question about Porscha at the palace

i went to the palace in Birmingham to kill some time and for $40 i got 3 absolutely amazing dances from Porscha, she's tall her face and boobs are about a 7 but her ass and the things she can do with it are a solid 10. we talked a little and i asked her about the vip room she said it's "way expensive but we get completely naked in there" she gave me her number and i promised to come back but i have some questions if anyone knows: how much is the vip room? what happens in there? do i need to keep giving her money once we're in? and if you've met Porscha how far does she go? like i say she was pretty effective out on the stage i'm just curious what does in the vip to make it worth the money. as you may have guessed i'm new to all this, only the second club i've been to
It's considered bad form to use dancers' real names, so don't be surprised when a mod edits this. You also probably should have posted this as a thread in the strip club section. And, if she gave you her number, takeout is probably what's she's interested in, not extras at the club. And for the record, she did you a solid. My take is that her "way expensive" hint means not worth it, but she gave you her number to let you know she either really likes you or that she can make it worthwhile, just not at the club, mijo. Give her a call and see what happens. Best of luck.
And my general advice is that the VIP is never worth it. You're gonna drop 3 to 4 bills for a blow job at best, unless it's a known extras joint, which the Palace is not. Spend that money on a known lady with good reviews.
makes sense, i'll call her to see when she's workin and see where that goes. i think i saw the vip room while i was at the palace and it just looked like a room with some couches and no door so i'm not sure we could even get away with anything extra in there. thanks for the advice
Yeah if she have you her number that means she wants to do business outside the club.