This message brought to you by Miss Max of Dallas via Jessy Stone!
I know it's a little early in the season to bring this to everyone's attention, but I figured the sooner, the better.
As we all know, it's been a tough year for many reasons. This is just a friendly reminder that the holidays are upon us and I wanted to remind the gents to try and remember your local ladies and especially the ones who have little ones during this time.
We all know there are some super sexy ladies traveling through our area, because TEXAS has some of the finest gents, and we/they know that you guys love variety. Hey, ain't it the spice of life!?!? However, please keep in mind the lovely ladies who make themselves available to you all year round when making your decisions about who to see during the next month. YOU could make a huge difference!
I'm not trying to take business from the traveling or even new ladies to the board, just reminding to support your local ladies when possible during the next few weeks. And yes, I'm one of the local ladies who could use some extra biz during this time, but am actually more concerned about the ladies with young 'uns, then anything. Like I said, it's been a tough year for many and as a community, I know we want to do everything we can during this time.
Happy Holidays To Everyone!
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