
~DolceVitaBentley~'s Avatar
I have called several providers for references in the past week and can't get a call back when I leave a message stating what I'm calling for with my name and number....One lady streight up told me I had the wrong number after she hesitated.Don't we suppose to work togeather?When I get calls for a references I will provide unless it's a client I haven't seen in two months or more.....
Sens55's Avatar
Wouldn't this be a better topic for the Powder Room?
kcbigpapa's Avatar
When I get calls for a references I will provide unless it's a client I haven't seen in two months or more..... Originally Posted by ~PlaywithSophia~
You won't give a reference for a hobbyist if it has been more than two months? Seems like a short time frame to me, but is this standard? Do other providers that require or give references have such a short time frame as well?
The longest I would give a reference after is 6 mos but I would also let her know it had been awhile so she could make her own decision about following through with it.
I have given a reference for someone I seen a year ago, but I am always sure to mention that to the provider that is calling. I feel your frustration on getting girls to respond to reference requests. It's like pulling teeth sometimes. Sometimes I feel as though it should be exposed as to which providers WILL NOT give refs.
~DolceVitaBentley~'s Avatar
Ok let me clarify on what I mean when I say a two month period reference...If you are a regular client of mine, a member of Eccie,P411,Datecheck,TER,Escor then I will give you six months for a reference....If a regular client and I discuss different arrangments then I would be more then happy to give you a longer reference...If you are not a member of one of the following and I see you only once I will give a two month reference....It's just like the hobbiest like to see recent and accurate pic of providers....I would want to give out recent and accurate reference! Alot could change with a person in six months to a year!Not all providers are the same unless there is a provider manual that I don't know about....Go Chiefs....
Muffrider's Avatar
I have given a reference for someone I seen a year ago, but I am always sure to mention that to the provider that is calling. I feel your frustration on getting girls to respond to reference requests. It's like pulling teeth sometimes. Sometimes I feel as though it should be exposed as to which providers WILL NOT give refs. Originally Posted by luxurie4u
LUX!! Every time you post on the KC forum I think you're back in town, and I get all excited and the blood runs out of the big head to feed the little one. You're messin with my mind girl!! LOL. j/k of course. we love to see ur pretty face.