Gangbusters! May happy hour ... happy!

ck1942's Avatar
Off to a great start and oh! the new faces!

And some not seen in a while.

Please remember not to out any one's attendance except your own.

Some interesting discussion about lunch scheduling and next up the new Breakfast Club events or ... "starting your day with a bang!"
I had a blast, as always! Thanks!
Sorry I couldn't make it ck, always appreciate your tireless efforts
Many thanks! I was able to confirm some of my to do list!
bigjimt52's Avatar
great time as always...thanks CK
Joe Buck's Avatar
Sorry I missed it......dam work gettin in the way again
Bbbj Receiver's Avatar
Had a great time and look forward to my next one. Actually, thinking about going to the South Austin one on the 23rd. Thanks for your efforts. Well done.
A friend of mine was in an auto accident this a.m. and that's a terrible way to start the day. I'm hoping all is well.

Sorry I didn't get to attend. I'm just fashionably late.
Jed Clampett's Avatar
I had a great time! Thanks CK, for organizing another excellent event.
It sounds like ya'll had a good time. Sorry I couldn't make it.
BigGuy13's Avatar
I actually had a great time, but it was more meeting the guys than the girls this time. Don't get me wrong, if there were more girls there, us guys wouldn't have been talking to each other. But, it was great meeting both that I did...
sms918's Avatar
Great seeing people new and not so new. Great time there and after.
Appreciate all that you do ck. Thanks for a great show. Had a good time. Was great seeing some new and familiar ladies and as always would love to see more ladies at the next one!
Another Great party CK Thanks for everything
Did a guy just half ass give a ladies stats a few posts back. ??? Shouldn't that be done in the men's locker room.??? Good grief. it's like they're auctioning us off like Cattle. It's a good thing we don't actually Rate ya'll and put your stuff out there like that. anyway that's my $0.02 I just thought it was poor form I hope guys are banking on my reviews to tell them how I am because people either love me or hate me. I mean good lord they should make Us baseball cards.