meeting RW people in the hobby

bigbadbill969's Avatar
I was wondering if anyone has run into friends or family while hobbying. The closet I have come was running into a co-workers hot daughter at a strip club. Thankfully she was completely cool with it and she made me feel very comfortable. Since everyone in here hides their true identity, it is very possible that a father or uncle or even grandfather could be the next guy knocking at the door. Imagine that. Fortunately I have no daughters and I am not attracted to my own race.
pyramider's Avatar
As long as they provide taint photos who am I to judge ...
kinkyorca's Avatar
met a wife of a friend of mine, but they were separated at the time.
RW and hobby just don't go together ..........
When I lived in Western NY, I used to frequent a strip club just over the border in PA called Busty Hearts. Some of you may have heard of it. Busty Heart herself was actually on the Man Show and won the big fucking trophy for flattening a 16 oz Heineken beer can with her HUGE tits. Anyway I digress....

I'd been going there for quite some time and I befriended one of the dancers. Sometimes we would fuck in a private dance room, sometimes she would come over to my place after she got off "work" or on a night she wasn't working. I'd probably been fucking her for close to a year on and off. More of a FWB's type thing once it got going rather than a pay for play. Well, one night at a work function, she was there with one of my co-workers. Turns out it was her fucking father! Ha! He found out after a while she was dancing there, but never found out who and/or how many from work were hitting it, but I know I wasn't the only one lol.
ICU 812's Avatar
This topic comes up once in a while here.

Never happened to me BUT . . .

I can imagine calling in a BP provider, and when she knocks on the door its my daughter-in-law's younger sister (Not bloody likely). What happens next is a series of interesting What-ifs!
JustMeCLTXGG's Avatar
ha! I've wondered about this. running into people I've met in the past.

so far, closest for me is running into co-workers (or ex-co's) while in a SC. to me it's like wtf(rak)? ha, ha! other than that I don't really care since they are there to. and by running into I mean working there in other aspects than dancing surprisingly or just then being there as I am. girls included.

also ran into an ex waitressing at a SC once. talk about awkawd! if I can make a long story short - I get the call, hey let's hit up the SC. me thinking, yeahaw! let's do it! get there and meet up in the parking lot to find my buddies want me to pretend to be dating this pregnant chic to get her ex's goat. me, fucked up but wtf, whatever, we're here let's do this! then as I've got my arm around this girl, wha-bam! ex evil eyes appear to take our drink order. I declined to order. funny, I still got a beer. and believe me it didn't get drank. ha, ha!
I thinck I dated that bitch! (Evil Ex) She tried to poison me too! Or maybe it was just get terrible cooking?
mam5's Avatar
  • mam5
  • 05-14-2015, 05:03 PM
years ago, a bunch of friends and i ran into a girl we graduated high school with dancing at Ocean Cabaret... she actually tried to play it to her advantage and was trying to get us all to buy table dances from her.
SweetDulce's Avatar
While groping and kissing and undressing, the client says " I saw you at the school festival last week."
Our kids go to the same school, and he recognized me from here on eccie and confirmed it was me by my tatoo.
Said he didn't want to say anything before cuz he was scared I would ffreak out and cancel
canihitit's Avatar
While groping and kissing and undressing, the client says " I saw you at the school festival last week."
Our kids go to the same school, and he recognized me from here on eccie and confirmed it was me by my tatoo.
Said he didn't want to say anything before cuz he was scared I would ffreak out and cancel Originally Posted by SweetDulce

sooooooo.... what happen? did you finish the session or did you flake out?
NorTex's Avatar
While groping and kissing and undressing, the client says " I saw you at the school festival last week."
Our kids go to the same school, and he recognized me from here on eccie and confirmed it was me by my tatoo.
Said he didn't want to say anything before cuz he was scared I would ffreak out and cancel Originally Posted by SweetDulce

Talk about ending on a cliffhanger.
pyramider's Avatar
She pegged him?
Hopefully she saved that days video.
SweetDulce's Avatar
Y' all make me laugh too much! Of course I finished the session!
Flake out, ?!?! he was cute, so it didnt even cross my mind.
Unless it's 1 of my ugly cousins I ain't about to flake out on nothing homie.