Plano hotel night clerk he/she hater!!!!!

Cynamon's Avatar
So Im gonna FF through driving to Plano through what felt like tribulation Tuesday night. After I dodge tornadoes and 60 mph flying debris I arrive at this decent looking hotel to meet a NOT so hot he/she (I really don't know the gender of this person) night clerk who tells me he/she has canceled my reservation because it was a "new day."

It was 1 am. He/she told me that I would have to pay full price for my room and call priceline about my reservation because he/she had tagged me as a "no-show." Now, I don't need to express my frustration at this point. Though, I did not show it. I was nice and I asked this person to please check and see if he/she could reinstate my reservation because I was stuck in severe weather. I was there now, I had already paid. I would like to please go in a room and go to sleep. I was not gonna pay full price/again for a room. He/she reluctantly typed a few keys on the computer and stated "luckily" he/she was able to get me back in.

This person had a problem with me from the very beginning. I don't know why. I have never seen this dude/lady ever in life. I think its because I have a REAL vagina. WHATEVER. 30 minutes later I was sound asleep.

Plano was UNEVENTFUL for me. I saw 2 PEOPLE!!! 2 PEOPLE!!! Then I had to go do some stuff and took off.

At 10 PM I was bored so I answered a ISO for a girl in the area. Screened the guy. Told him where I was waited...He text told me he was there and I gave him the room number....By now its about 11 pm. He/She is at the desk. Apparently the front doors were locked because he/she had to let him in. While doing so he/she gave him the 3rd degree. "who are you here to see? what room are you going to? are you here to see a man or a woman?" so on...WHY? I have no idea.

So my new friend gets to the room and he is obviously freaked out. He keeps looking at the door like someone is going to kick it open at any moment. So I ask him why he is so nervous? He tells me what happened...I guess through the questioning he told the dude/lady what room he was going to. Im not sure what other questions he answered. But, he was super super paranoid at this point. And rightfully so. This creeper he/she was WIGGIN OUT!

I try to go ahead with the appointment knowing this dummy cant do shit but ask us to leave. My new friend is cool with it and we get started. About 10 minutes into it the phone rings. GUESS WHO IT IS....The creeper he/she ....this dude/lady tells me that he/she is getting noise complaints about my room. I hadn't made a fucking peep out of that room since 6 pm. This guy would barely make a noise he was scared as hell. I know he/she is full of shit and that's what I tell him/her.

He/she tells me that I should ask my guest to leave or he was gonna call the Police. I said go ahead. Now, I didn't tell my new friend he/she said anything about the police. He was already freaked out and no amount of comforting from me was gonna make it any better. I did give this dude my name. Just incase someone asked on his way out. OH- and I sucked him off real quick after I hung up the phone. Then I told him I was gonna leave cause that person at the front desk was acting crazy. He agreed and bolted out the door. I was gonna offer some of his money back. A extra session. Something. But he was out of there so quick I didn't have the opportunity. If he writes a bad review I will deserve it. This was a fucking hot mess.

After he's gone I walk up to the front desk and I ask this person what is going on? Did I not get the memo about visitors after a certain time at night? He/she tells me he had a few noise complaints in a few rooms not just mine. That the police had been called.

Good. I go out and wait for them. When the Dallas Police (I was actually in Dallas tho on the verge) arrive I tell them this crazed he/she was wiggin out because I had a visitor at 11 pm. I told them I was visiting from out of state and that I knew a few guys here and I had invited one over. That this dude/lady gave him the 3rd degree and was acting as if I was a prostitute or something. Last time I checked it wasn't illegal to rent a room and have sex in it. WITH MY REAL VAGINA.

I tell them I'm leaving and I'm writing a horrible review on this place cause their fucking customer service sucks. They laugh and tell me that a few hotels in the area had been robbed so the person was probably overreacting. Everything was cool. I could even stay If I wanted. HELL NO. I was out of there. The police leave. I pack my shit and I'm on my way. Nothing like this has EVER happened to me in 6 years.

(If you are a regular transgender individual I did not mean to offend you. But this dude/lady was a ASSHOLE. Screw him/her)

The fact that you consistently called whomever "he/she" LOL
sidenote: he/she was just throwing shade honey, thats BS.

Interesting, I gotta know that hotel name though so I can steer clear , pm sent
Cynamon's Avatar
The fact that you consistently called whomever "he/she" LOL
sidenote: he/she was just throwing shade honey, thats BS.

Interesting, I gotta know that hotel name though so I can steer clear , pm sent Originally Posted by phoenixfire_
Thank you for recongnizing the humor in my post. LOL I had to laugh to keep from crying. I couldn't believe this shit. lol
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
If you're running late, and you've used priceline, hotels will only hold your reservation until 9 PM, unless you call them otherwise. So an after midnight check in shouldn't be an issue but remember to call them when you're running late.

In this business, you have to be somewhat savvy when dealing with others. Not to suggest that you were not. But if the place that you're staying has a smallish lobby, you have to know that the front desk people will be watching.

I have an incall but last Spring, I tried an extended stay place that was close to Plano, but in Dallas.

It took me about a minute to just KNOW that this place was going to not be a good location/hotel for me. Lobby was tiny. The hotel employees were exceptionally observant and there was little foot traffic. Ugh. I wasted my funds those 2 days.

The only way that I would visit a new client that late (I don't even do late appts but if I did), I would sure as heck be sure that I wasn't being watched by someone that I had words with the night before, or at any time.

I can only imagine that your experience was nerve shattering. But honestly, if you're a bit more ... well, stealthy ... perhaps the experience wouldn't have turned out the way that it did.

With front desk people, I come across (on purpose) as an older aunt who just adores her relatives. I treat each front desk person like royalty. I'm overly polite anyway but I give no reason for a hotel employee to think anything else but that I'm a somewhat frumpy older female checking in alone.

And often, I will STILL get a sideways glance. You probably know what I'm talking about.

I would suggest being VERY understated in all of your hotel dealings, if you're working out of hotels. Priceline, single females, are often suspect.

I've often wondered if I have some sort of mark by my name on these sites? I used to use priceline all of the time. But these days, I hear more stories such as the one you just shared.

Anyway ... I'm rattling a bit. And I'm curious to the name of the place. I'll tell you mine ( from last spring) if you tell me yours.

Best of luck to you and I hope you were able to find a more suitable place to stay.


P.S. Some more cheap, and possibly unwanted, advice. Always tip the maid. Maids know a lot and well, can also be helpful. Tip. Daily. Modestly.
Cynamon's Avatar
Ms. Elisabeth,

You are right. It was late. To be honest I didn't blow the hotel room up so I didn't think it was a big deal. But, now that I really think about it it was a bad move.

I was nice to this person. Up until he/she started looking at me with a devilish grin like he/she was doing this on purpose. I'm nice to everyone. I don't want any problems. This person was unreasonable. It sounds odd- I know it does. But this dude/lady was on my tail from the minute I walked in the door. I even tried to picture "him" fully dressed as a "her" to try to recollect a possible negative occurrence with this person. I'm not being funny and you'd think I would remember something like that. But I have forgotten more important things. I thought maybe "he" just looked different. It became very apparent that this person was a weirdo with a complex. The police even chuckled.
Either way, I have read your advice and taken it in. I don't know everything. I'm open to any constructive criticism anyone wants to dish.

I have wondered if there was a mark by my name and I know about the side looks.

Thank you for the reply.

I will send hotel.
Elisabeth, you are so right about your concerns with the small lobby, nosey front desk clerks. In several years hobbying, I have never had an issue. I carry a Walmart bag with a newspaper in it and walk in like I belong there. That may sound stupid, but it works like a charm. I also don't see anyone past 9:00 pm.
" Last time I checked it wasn't illegal to rent a room and have sex in it. WITH MY REAL VAGINA."


I have never hobby'd that late in the evening at a hotel but I never really thought of the scenario of being questioned or locked out until now. I used to get paranoid about walking through lobby's but I actually feel safer now about it versus hotels with doors on the outside. (if that makes sense)
beachcomber789's Avatar
If it is a small place ie; Motel 6, Days Inn....they can see a lot when you come and go. And after a certain time the front door gets locked so you have to have them let you in. A larger hotel that may be hosting meetings for local business or regional sales meeting would not have a clue why you were there.
Cynamon's Avatar
Why would they care anyway if you weren't causing a disturbance? This person was taking the job way to seriously. He's not the first line of defense against Prostitution. Your not the FBI dude. Stop acting like it.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Why would they care anyway if you weren't causing a disturbance? ... Originally Posted by Cynamon
A LOT of hotel properties don't wish to have the reputation as a place where sex workers hang out.

The person that was giving you grief, at that hotel, isn't the only one who is paying attention to single females who ... well, you know.

There have been a lot of topics about different hotels, etc., and the ways that they either copy down the license plates, or check your phone number, etc.

Your complaint/alert/concern really isn't a new one. It's just one that happened to you this week.

Cynamon's Avatar
Touche' ...Private Incall coming soon.
robs4.1's Avatar
As a person in the hotel industry being a Front Desk Agent ..personally I could care less who you are/what goes on inside the room as long as its w/in the hotels policy. SEX IN YOUR ROOM IS PERFECTLY W/IN policy. ...I recently had some BP ladies working out of the hotel I work at. Needless to say the foot traffic was minor and neither of the ladies names was on the reservation. As long as you abide by the rules, don't cause reason for them to kick you out/call the police everything should be fine. I don't ask people who are you here to see, whats the rm # etc. Unless the person comes in looking lost or is causing an issue then that was uncalled for.
ShysterJon's Avatar
"Brevity is the soul of wit."

-Hamlet, Act 2, Scene 2.
Maybe he/she (I prefer to call them "It") is having hormone therapy and is confused on what it is.
Mojojo's Avatar
Moved to coed