Looking for a provider in Waco right now!

Long time ASPD user....new to eccie! Just moved back to Texas from the NW.

Any providers here in town today? Or any locals that are still around?

tractortech's Avatar
not to much going on here in waco. most the locals are in killeen. every so often we get a provider that may make a stop for a night. us guys here in waco need to get together and take care of a couple of girls when the post adds about coming to town. most call off their trips due to lack of intrest.
taozzzz's Avatar
It's horrible here in Waco.. You would think that with this size of community and the economy that there would be someone that would love to be taken care of.

But I'm afraid I dont know of any. You can check BP but I can not vouch for any of them and cant seem to find reviews for them either.

Hobbiest community in Waco is as dead as a door nail.