Be warned ahead of time, this is a rant. I'm feeling pretty goddamned unappreciated right now so I'm venting. Some ladies will read things I'm saying here and know I'm referring to them but I ask you to cut me just a tiny bit of slack. I'm so angry right now I can't trust myself to drive home so I'm getting it out of my system here.
It is absofuckinglutely unbelievable the bullshit I have to wade through to actually see a provider. Simply amazing. In the past month I have set a date with a woman I had seen previously who then just disappears on the day of our appointment never to be heard from again. She's been on the forums and other escort sites but she won't respond to my attempts to reach out to her. Won't even give me the common fucking courtesy of telling me why she stopped talking to me. I could accept any reason. "Sorry, you're too fat ALF". Yeah, ok, fine I'll move on to someone else. But this acting like a fucking child and ignoring my PMs and texts (which I stopped sending weeks ago I'm not a stalker) is straight up disrespectful bullshit.
And then there's every other single date I've set up. Every single fucking one of them delayed for a laundry list of reasons. I'm a reasonable guy, shit happens and I get that shit happens to me too, usually when I try to hobby, but I'm goddamned tired of it. Everything from wrong room numbers to "Oh sorry I had to take 6 fucking hours to wall mount my new TV I just decided to go buy this afternoon. You don't mind if our date is delayed 4 hours right?" And not even 1 minute of extra time for my patience and understanding. Just hustle me out the door..."I'd feel bad about it if I was doing something stupid to delay our date" well, you fucking were doing something stupid weren't you? Every last one of you well reviewed, well respected and unmotherfuckingreliable.
And now tonight, I decided to try a San Antonio lady. Scheduled in advance, references checked, good to go. Canceled Saturday. Drive 2 hours to San Antonio tonight communicating the whole time and it's all good..then she's just gone. No texts, no emails, no answer on the phone. I truly hope she's ok I don't wish her or anyone ill will but MOTHERFUCKER! AGAIN!?
What am I doing wrong? Is my money not green enough? Are my kisses not loving enough? What The Fuck...Ya'll need to work on TCB.
That is all, I'm going home. Maybe next weekend I can get laid...