It was brought to my attention that my other reviews are stuck under another handle that I was not allowed to remain under....the handle I logged in as after about a 3 year break from this board Chloe Hampton. Also the infractions are all weird ( have one, then I don't, then i do, then it's renamed) and my ability to receive and send PM's are not able to be instated after following instructions on how to get them happening.
I am not trying to be a pain at all, as my relogging in with a new name after my account was off the board for years (as told to me by mods so when getting back on I was instructed to create a new profile then put back as just Chloe).....ugh confusion on all ends lol. Part my way, part your way lol maybe we can clear it up a bit so the paying customers here for this website can get their accommodations met
Thank you!