Destiny BP BCS no go

Definitely not the girl in the pics. Not attractive and will say whatever she has to to get the appointment then change her mind mid appointment.
Guest062716's Avatar
Thanks for the heads up! Sorry this happened to you, sir.

david1978's Avatar
Crap!! I was almost lured in! The girl in the Pics is definitely tempting!
She used 3 numbers.

(832) 902-9959
(575) 291-9262
(401) 648-7476

There is an ad on BP with the 832 # which is actually her. I google searched the 575 and 401 # but she is smart I guess and takes down those ads unless she is in that specific city. No reviews. Plus it was only $100 for a quick so not a huge loss but I still could have spent that on more quality women. IMHO
BaylorGuy's Avatar
Thanks for the heads up. Was looking at this one too.