Meh. Sorry, I can't be too weepy for even the greatest providers over cancellations because:
#1 - It is just part of doing business, especially sales and service (which I do in another vertical)
#2 - There is so little response from providers on the ISO thread. You would think they were starving from the complaints, but almost no one but TAK (now that Shayla84 isn't in town much) can even bother to raise a finger to type a response to many promising hobbyists with cabbage ready to throw their way.
#3 - The vast majority of their excuses are amazingly bogus and last minute or after the fact when the shoe is on the other foot. Oh, and they can get downright nasty sometimes when called on it.
BTW, TAK, kudos for your attention to ISO, but typing in all caps is the same as yelling at everyone and very annoying. You might catch more flies with honey, honey.
Originally Posted by LordBeaverbrook
I posted a thread a while back asking if guys preferred responses to their ISOs to be posted in their ISO or through PM. The consensus was that guys prefer to be contacted though PM. Maybe some of us reply directly to the guy though PM instead of in the ISO. I know personally, I have been responding MOSTLY though PM if I feel that I can fulfill the guy's request. Just because you don't see our responses doesn't mean that we don't respond.
I agree that some ladies or guys do get nasty and that isn't right nor is it good TCB. If we are to have repeat business then we can't have an attitude if a guy cancels. If they cancel, the lady can sometimes fill that spot. But then again, sometimes the lady has expenses like possible hotel or if shared incall and gas/transportation to and from an incall. Plus sometimes we turn down other appts.
NCNS is another story, I believe anyone that deals with that has the right to be upset or offended whether it is provider or hobbyist.