Poll: Whispers needs to leave the board???

budman33's Avatar
What says you
nuglet's Avatar
I guess I missed the day he was ever of any use.. exactly WHAT is/was his contribution.. except for.... uh I forget.. what purpose did he ever serve?
Whispers's Avatar
I guess I missed the day he was ever of any use.. exactly WHAT is/was his contribution.. except for.... uh I forget.. what purpose did he ever serve? Originally Posted by nuglet
The corpulent Grand Poobah certainly can't man the fuck up and answer to KBF.

Talks the big ride,BUT.....
All that The Grand Poobuy has done with his attacks and posturing !!
Has caused me to rethink his fund drive later this year. I do not wish to represented by a asshole This year Salvation Army will get my money !!

One must hit assholes in the wallet.
Dog / 4
I find it interesting that those that have the biggest issues with Whispers and his merry band of followers also appear to be the same ones that look to pick a fight with him on a regular basis.

If you want this behavior to stop then stop feeding the behavior. It really is simple, when a bully is bulling you walk away. When you mirror that behavior back you become a bully to bully and that is then mirrored back. It never stops, and often (as we have seen) escalates.

I would tell you that I am honestly sick of his rhetoric and yours as well. The simple solution is that if you don't want to see it, put him and others on ignore and go about doing what you do. If you don't want to ignore then stop feeding the situation over and over again. Both of these are easy to do, you just have to let go your need to put other people in place or the need that you have to protect everyone.

I'm no fan of Whispers or others that drum up drama on this board. I'm not a huge poster and I do not do reviews for my own personal reasons. I'm also not a fan of this type of post which in my mind is no better than the exact posts and things that you accuse and complain about of others. Step back and look at this and ask if at this point you are any better than the people that you are asking these same questions about. I don't think that you will like the answer if you are honest with yourself.
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
56 to 6? Who are those other 3?
budman33's Avatar
Nope, I'm good with it. Thanks for some introspection though. Otherwise they run rampant here, and I and apparently the majority agree.
TemptationTammie's Avatar
All that The Grand Poobuy has done with his attacks and posturing !!
Has caused me to rethink his fund drive later this year. I do not wish to represented by a asshole This year Salvation Army will get my money !!

One must hit assholes in the wallet.
Dog / 4 Originally Posted by dog soldier 4
I agree with this too, only it will be the kids and families that his drive helps. I donated last year, even offered up sessions to be raffled off or however that part is handled but he never put me in the list. Unfortunately it isn't him that will be hurt by those that will no longer donate to this drive. But I'll donate elsewhere.
Maybe more items for BlueSanta? Or Toys4Tots? After he called my integrity into question, I won't donate to anything with his name or reputation involved. There are too many other more worthy options.
There is a someone up in Killeen that I know who takes toys to a hospital.
Nope, I'm good with it. Thanks for some introspection though. Otherwise they run rampant here, and I and apparently the majority agree. Originally Posted by budman33
It appears that you believe that posting to challenge Whispy and his Gang -W-Gang has an impact that reduces the amount of noise, rants, rages, and other mean and unwanted posts come from them. You also appear to believe that the results of your poll support that opinion.

I agree that people are sick and tired of W-Gang and their attacks on people. He claims that there is some type of motive that people in the know get and the rest of us do not. Either way, posting about him, replies in his threads, and acknowledgement in general are what keep the W-Gang going.

Here is an entire thread about Whispers and he is not even part of it. Not only is he running rampant on the board, as you put, but also in your mind off the board.

My point is that everyone that picks a fight back w/ the W-Gang is not helping the issue. In fact you are doing nothing more than adding fuel to the same behavior that your poll shows people would like to stop.

I don't have Whispers on ignore, because I hope that someday he will go back to asking interesting questions to the group that deal with the hobby, instead of attacking people, calling names, and the general nonsense that is going on now. That may never happen, but one can have hope.

In the meantime, it is interesting to see how many people fall into the trap of feeding exactly what he and his group are looking for, which to an extent includes this post.
gfejunkie's Avatar
I hope that someday he will go back to asking interesting questions to the group that deal with the hobby, instead of attacking people, calling names, and the general nonsense that is going on now. That may never happen, but one can have hope. Originally Posted by RouterJockey
Tune in during the November/December time frame. Full blown hypocrisy on display then.

January? Back to the same ol', same ol'.
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Hell, Ah thinck he oughta start his own board. Prolly bee-come popular enuff ta put eccie, TER, bigdoggie an' all tha uthahs outta bidness.

An' fer all we knows, mebbe ol' Whisperola dun all-reddy put down sum dinero an' bee-cum a part-pwner/shadow inn-vester of eccie.

Culd be why he's so inn-vested in drivin' up page views ta generate mo' $$$ frum innernet ads fo' eccie. Didja e'er stop ta thinck 'bout thet? He culd be jus' like ol' Donald Trump, gittin' enny kind o' ah-tenn-shun he can, cuz love 'im ot hate 'im, he's takin' munny ta tha bank eee-ther way.

Now, if'n yew ext-cuse meh, Ah gotta git back ta watch ol' Alex Jones. Ah shore dew laik tha way thet feller thincks.
I agree with this too, only it will be the kids and families that his drive helps. I donated last year, even offered up sessions to be raffled off or however that part is handled but he never put me in the list. Unfortunately it isn't him that will be hurt by those that will no longer donate to this drive. But I'll donate elsewhere.
Maybe more items for BlueSanta? Or Toys4Tots? After he called my integrity into question, I won't donate to anything with his name or reputation involved. There are too many other more worthy options.
There is a someone up in Killeen that I know who takes toys to a hospital. Originally Posted by TemptationTammie
There are plenty of great local children / parent's in need charities that can be donated to around the holidays. I wouldn't feel one ounce of guilt in not supporting his event. Too many "allegations" around it for me. No proof at all that all the money is used for its stated intentions.

Maybe it is. Possibly it isn't. Color me a bit skeptical.
I find it interesting that those that have the biggest issues with Whispers and his merry band of followers also appear to be the same ones that look to pick a fight with him on a regular basis.

If you want this behavior to stop then stop feeding the behavior. It really is simple, when a bully is bulling you walk away. When you mirror that behavior back you become a bully to bully and that is then mirrored back. It never stops, and often (as we have seen) escalates.

I would tell you that I am honestly sick of his rhetoric and yours as well. The simple solution is that if you don't want to see it, put him and others on ignore and go about doing what you do. If you don't want to ignore then stop feeding the situation over and over again. Both of these are easy to do, you just have to let go your need to put other people in place or the need that you have to protect everyone.

I'm no fan of Whispers or others that drum up drama on this board. I'm not a huge poster and I do not do reviews for my own personal reasons. I'm also not a fan of this type of post which in my mind is no better than the exact posts and things that you accuse and complain about of others. Step back and look at this and ask if at this point you are any better than the people that you are asking these same questions about. I don't think that you will like the answer if you are honest with yourself. Originally Posted by RouterJockey
".....same ones that look to pick a fight with him on a regular basis."


He needs to man up and deliver when he bumps his gums online.
If he talked major unsubstantiated gossipy lame ass horseshit about you,would you not want him to lay it out,or STFU?
fun2come's Avatar
RJ, I think you are absolutely right ... in theory ....

My theory is:
W will stop when providers stop posting (threads) in Co-Ed,
that's when the W haters/crybabies/whiners will stop,
and then we all will stop feeding the drama

again in theory ...

and as this all won't happen, I'll get to my 10,000, may be