If BW had instead focused on what a huge, ignorant, cheap cunt you are, he might have still had his job. He'd be telling the truth then, at least. Originally Posted by shanmAnd here I went to all the trouble to get the most recent picture of you to show everyone what you really look like. What's the matter, where you having "a bad hair day" when your likeness was taken ? Not enough flies ? woomby's pic has more flies ? Your lying liberal buddy RW got spanked shammy and that's all you've got ? Another Gruberite like you gets exposed for the lying liberal he is. Has that got you and your butt buddies fearful that it will happen to you also ? No worries mate ! Every time you and your lying liberals post a comment here, it's KNOWN to be a lie. GFY
If BW had instead focused on what a huge, ignorant, cheap cunt you are, he might have still had his job. He'd be telling the truth then, at least. Originally Posted by shanmthis here's the story about a turd named shanm
Here comes WaKKKo KKKid. No wonder my bullshit-o-meter was going off.this here's the story about a turd named shanm
You are about two steps away from IFFYIdiot. Originally Posted by shanm
Make that one step...... Originally Posted by shanmthis here's the story about a turd named shanm
Who gives a fuck. Originally Posted by WombRaiderLLIdiot pretends to have an answer for everything.
Who gives a fuck. Originally Posted by WombRaiderTypical response from a cum guzzling lying liberal. Have you found a "jalapeno" yet to wrap your "two-lips" around there woomby / undercunt / rusty balloon knot / jalapeno sucker ? Prolly a good thing that your butt buddy shammy doesn't get jealous of you blowing other men. It might disrupt y'alls planned "nuptials". Might be embarrassing for your families to hear about a gay fight right before the "ceremony" and bukkake party. Will your Daddy /Brother and Mommy / Sister be able to make it for the festivities ? Will your Daddy / Brother be walking YOU down the aisle, or is shammy the beYOTCH in this relationship.