Do you have a strange sense of Humor?

I'm sitting here in fuckin' freezing Chicago with WAY too much alone time on my hands. I just left a dinner with some strangers because we're in a wedding and while I prepare for this bachelor party, I was thinking about my last interaction with some of these people, which in turn, got me thinking about my hobbying.

Do you ever find yourself thinking your sense of humor might be a bit strange? And do you worry you might need to do a bit of acting during your "session"? For example, my sense of humor is usually dry and quick; my mind always racing 100 mph. Even on repeat dates, I find a lot of people just don't get that I may be joking, and this could be delivery or whatever, but after I say something or make a joke, I'm always like "Should I have said that?" And then, of course, I think that the other person (s) think I'm some kinda freak or psycho because they don't get something I said. I'll confess, it probably takes a quick wit to keep pace with me at times, not to mention a Ph.D level knowledge of pop culture. I saw a provider yesterday for a two hour appointment, and I made a joke (I've seen her more than a few times) and said during her questions about hair/makeup:

"...fishnets, maybe something black, some clown make-up..."

I was letting her know it didn't matter what she wore, because she always looks great (and she is great for asking, btw), but in my mistake thinking she probably knew my mannerisms and sense of humor by now, she paused for like 30 uncomfortable seconds in a sort of shock.

I'll give you another.

I was at Trudy's on 30th, and it was around 11pm a couple weeks ago after seeing Avatar, and a younger provider close to my age (I'm 28) was sitting with a female friend of hers, and waved politely. I gave a wave back, and let her know we were good - the S.O. was not in tow, and invited her to sit with our group. Having a few old-fashioned more than I should have, we all start talking and surprisingly, the topic of fantasies comes up. And mind you, I have never really thought long and hard about any fantasy of mine that gets my heart racing. So it lands on me, and I'm sure she's taking notes mentally; all the while with a smile more feral than friendly, and I start in with:

"...We're on a deserted island after being expelled by a foreign country for selling contraband fireworks. I've recently gotten back in shape and for some reason, and wearing only a fig leaf just feels RIGHT. I rip my shirt and use the heel of my shoe and shirt to form a make-shift press to produce coconut oil. For tanning. Though no one knows where we are except this tropical despotic regime, I have no doubts about our rescue sometime in the future. In the meantime, amusing ourselves is secondary only to food and shelter. You're there in your fig-leaf and shoelace matching bra and thong set and it's day three of our tetherball tournament, and the sight of your glistening, heaving bosom bouncing as you slap a ball made from the inflated bladder of a wild boar I killed with my bare hands has me in the mood to take you, yet again....I bend you over the makeshift mattress of straw, palm and banana leaves and we furiously consummate our affection for each other as a volcano erupts in the distance, though we are safely out of range. We live in constant fear of homicidal koala bears, bent on our destruction, so night time is nothing short of exhilarating, as we alternate between fucking and shooting flaming arrows from our bows like a porno Rambo and his female companion..."

It looks silly here, of course, but in person, the other 10 people at our table knew I was joking and thought it was hilarious, because this would never in a million years turn me on. The provider friend and her sidekick? Negative. Mouth agape and thought I was COMPLETELY serious and said, "That's retarded", while thinking I was probably psychotic.

And THEN, last weekend I had my first doubles session, and anyone who knows me will tell you I'm a little shy at first and I get pretty nervous on the first meeting, so I feel I'm super-awkward and tense. And I walk in and I felt like I did not give a good first impression to one of the ladies (the other I'd seen before). So now, I think perhaps I might need to take a que from my provider friends and maybe be someone else or censor myself a bit more??

I'm just wondering, do any of you, providers or hobbyists, worry that you might be misunderstood as weird because you might be on the quick-witted side of things?
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
Im right there with friends tend to call me.//"All kinds of special"....I agree with them..BTW I love your sence of humor...and I would have worn the clown makeup in a full fishnet body stocking with out blinking
Im right there with friends tend to call me.//"All kinds of special"....I agree with them..BT W I love your sence of humor...and I would have worn the clown makeup in a full fishnet body stocking with out blinking Originally Posted by VictoriaLyn
See? Thats the kinda shit I'm talking about! Someone who can go along with your stuff is a relief! lol

Where's the provider who will look you dead in the eye and say, "I'll be Batman, you be Robin, this time." ?
I'm with Vikki, I'm all kinds of funny and have a great sense of humor. Not to mention quick on my toes with come backs.
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
Im also the type to burst out laughing just because I remembered something funny someone told me a month ago..and i tend to crack myself up often..
Darling-you REALLY have nothing to worry about. The lame chick with no sense of humor or the doubles session.

Nothing turns me on more then a man with an off sense of humor and a wild imagination. If I had heard you tell that story I would have been so impressed by your impromptu wit and would have been super turned on. In my personal life I am very silly by nature and love to make people laugh, even more then I love making people cum-but it's a really tight close second ; ) You are a great guy, fun to be around and you should never apologize for being fun! I will offer up this piece of advise and tell you that even though you may have seen a lady a few times and you feel a connection-don't ASSUME that she "should just know me by now". You know what they say happens when you assume- you make an ass out of u and me ; )
But I can relate to sometimes being misundestood. But you know what-I love being a little "intense" or "snarky" or "over-the-top" and so should you. People like you make things fun and interesting. I can't stand when someone takes things or themselves too seriously.
Darling-you REALLY have nothing to worry about. The lame chick with no sense of humor or the doubles session.

Nothing turns me on more then a man with an off sense of humor and a wild imagination. If I had heard you tell that story I would have been so impressed by your impromptu wit and would have been super turned on. In my personal life I am very silly by nature and love to make people laugh, even more then I love making people cum-but it's a really tight close second ; ) You are a great guy, fun to be around and you should never apologize for being fun! I will offer up this piece of advise and tell you that even though you may have seen a lady a few times and you feel a connection-don't ASSUME that she "should just know me by now". You know what they say happens when you assume- you make an ass out of u and me ; )
But I can relate to sometimes being misundestood. But you know what-I love being a little "intense" or "snarky" or "over-the-top" and so should you. People like you make things fun and interesting. I can't stand when someone takes things or themselves too seriously. Originally Posted by Devynn von Tease

Thanks D.Vo!
Hottassamelia's Avatar
This is hands-down the funniest thread I have read all year.

"...We're on a deserted island after being expelled by a foreign country for selling contraband fireworks. I've recently gotten back in shape and for some reason, and wearing only a fig leaf just feels RIGHT. I rip my shirt and use the heel of my shoe and shirt to form a make-shift press to produce coconut oil. For tanning. Though no one knows where we are except this tropical despotic regime, I have no doubts about our rescue sometime in the future. In the meantime, amusing ourselves is secondary only to food and shelter. You're there in your fig-leaf and shoelace matching bra and thong set and it's day three of our tetherball tournament, and the sight of your glistening, heaving bosom bouncing as you slap a ball made from the inflated bladder of a wild boar I killed with my bare hands has me in the mood to take you, yet again....I bend you over the makeshift mattress of straw, palm and banana leaves and we furiously consummate our affection for each other as a volcano erupts in the distance, though we are safely out of range. We live in constant fear of homicidal koala bears, bent on our destruction, so night time is nothing short of exhilarating, as we alternate between fucking and shooting flaming arrows from our bows like a porno Rambo and his female companion..."
Originally Posted by TheItalianStallion
F-in hilarious.
I would of laughed so hard my Mojito would of came out of my nose.

I find myself biting my tongue often(not just during session)because of my "dry" sense of humor... I understand..

I'll confess, it probably takes a quick wit to keep pace with me at times, not to mention a Ph.D level knowledge of pop culture. Originally Posted by TheItalianStallion
Sounds like a double-dog dare to me....

A man after my own heart....I love it
This is hands-down the funniest thread I have read all year.

F-in hilarious.
I would of laughed so hard my Mojito would of came out of my nose.

I find myself biting my tongue often(not just during session)because of my "dry" sense of humor... I understand..

Sounds like a double-dog dare to me....

A man after my own heart....I love it
Originally Posted by Hottassamelia
I'll bring it, but I must warn you, tv was my parent. When I'm on, I'm a man possessed like that time Marlena got possessed by the devil on Days of Our Lives.

I was at a club on a "date" with a gent... the first dancer comes up and is all how did you two meet and he's like shit... I said
e harmony... and laughed... after she walked away I told him next one was his turn and we'd take turns on how me met... not like the dancers are in the dressing room comparing notes on how we met... so needless to say the stories got wilder as the night went till one dancer called bullshit and said I'll bet ya'll are second cousins or some shit to which we laughed even harder and by that time she was convinced it was incestuous... too much fun!!
Hottassamelia's Avatar
I think father Francis had some dubious intentions...

"Tied up and twisted
The way I'd like to be..."
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 01-29-2010, 01:05 AM
My brothers and I were like that. All of us had a very warped sense of humor. When ever all four of us were in the same room, no one would leave that room without suffering some serious pain from all the laughter.

I love the warped humor. It keeps life very entertaining!
Dagny D.E.W.'s Avatar
I agree with victoria, I would have worn the clown makeup and I have my own Batman costume too.

Reminds me of a time I was IMing with a stranger and he asked for a face pic. Now I had just sent my site and he raved about the body pics, I said "if you want to see the face, get an appt."

He said, "but what if my face was really ugly?"

I said, " I will bring a paper bag to put over my head and you just said the body was great so ....problem solved!"

He quit talking to me and funny.. never made the appt. I thought at the time that HE had no sense of humor.
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
I agree with victoria, I would have worn the clown makeup and I have my own Batman costume too.

. Originally Posted by Dagny D.E.W.
I got a Wonderwoman ...We could start our own agency..The league of superhero providers......
Nibbles_n_Licksx's Avatar
So now, I think perhaps I might need to take a que from my provider friends and maybe be someone else or censor myself a bit more??

I'm just wondering, do any of you, providers or hobbyists, worry that you might be misunderstood as weird because you might be on the quick-witted side of things? Originally Posted by TheItalianStallion

To answer your question i would say hell no dont change a thing. Laughter is fruit for the soul sounds like those people needed to lighten up anyway.

I too have a very good friend that will make your you never know what will come out of her mouth.

"All kinds of special" Originally Posted by VictoriaLyn
Yes vikki you are "all kinds of special"
You once told me when we first meet not to ask what you were thinking. You would think i would have learned my lesson by now.

~Kisses Jen