So you think you're NOT Playboy material?

ben dover's Avatar
As a photographer I knew this is common among ALL the mags. I am surprised that Playboy let these out though. Times must be tough! BD
jokacz's Avatar
I worked for the photo lab in Chicago that did all of Playboy’s work in the late 70’s early 80’s. Some of the stuff we had to fix was actually scary. And it was done before the digital era pre photoshop by a team of oriental women retouching by hand. They were the real artists in the process.
ben dover's Avatar
Ahhhhh... yes the old Dodge and Burn days...BD
Lol yah working in nyc in the 90's... I remember how shocked a revlon photographer was when I showed him the sharpen (unsharp mask) tool... film was the king... yet had a job interview in late 90s expected to retouch standard model shoot to photoilustration perfection...

People today exist on delusion, real humans have veins lines cellulite wrinkles. who fucking cares, I'd rather boff an imperfect human girl than a cosmetic makeup cover robot any day.