The State of Homelessness in America

Here's the link, and it's not very positive:

Let's see more action and less speeches! I think America needs to address real issues and unite.
Ripmany's Avatar
Sadly we still have not solved this or do enough to help the homeless. I work for a obomaphone company and can't even get a phone with out a address.
The real problem is mental health
... Wrong forum for discussion.

#### Salty
Jacuzzme's Avatar
We could’ve built them all luxury condos with what we’ve wasted in Ukraine.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
We could’ve built them all luxury condos with what we’ve wasted in Ukraine. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
That was never going to happen.

Given a choice between world peace and world war, we ALWAYS throw our (OUR) money into more weapons of war.

Meanwhile, heartless politicians wrangle over whose side gets to claim victory over these poor people.

Don't be glib. It makes you look bad.