M & G is a success!!

biomed1's Avatar
The Meet & Greet held this evening was a success!
While the crowd was small, the Ladies were lovely!
They were charming, engaging, flirty and just plain fun!

The crowd was smaller; but from the comments , it was an enjoyable event in a nice environment.
Several suggested that we have another M & G there in the future.
Our Bartender was delicious to look at, and a sweetheart to work with!

Thanks to those that attended, and to Belinda for doing the "Lions" share of the work on this event.

Be Careful & Enjoy!

AKA Wayne's Avatar
I'm sorry I couldn't make it, I wasn't able to break away from work. I was really looking forward to meeting all of the lovely ladies and even some of you ugly guys too. Well, maybe next time.

Even though I wasn't there, thanks to Biomed1 and the lovely Belinda for all the hard work getting this all together, especially during the holidays. Thank you!
yes it was definitely a great time! i need a dakota and lilith sammich as if it was yesterday!!! any takers???
I'm a go on that snack Belinda. lol... Yummy.... I'm glad I attended the M & G and was able to meet everyone... Thanks all, I had a great time...
gdan55's Avatar
Yes, great afternoon, Thanks Belinda and those who planned. Dakota seems serious, let's work that out!!!!!!!!!!!!!gdan
JustaGuyinMS's Avatar
Have to agree with all the comments - it was a good M&G. The location was very nice, the ladies lovely, the bartender hothothot, and the guys, well they were guys...LOL!

It really is a nice location, so another one there would be a fine idea - Belinda, you know my thoughts about one aspect of the event.

Dakota, it was very nice meeting you - I'll be in touch...hopefully literally...heeheehee.

The M&G was very quaint, quite and a little quixotically.

Thank you to Belinda and Biomed for getting all of us together. Several that sent in their information for an invitation were not able to attend; however, those that were able to come out were all enchanting.

Oh My Goodness! I do have to say I am very happy that Dakota found her way over to ECCIE! It was great meeting her last night. I finally found someone that enjoys the weather up here.....giggle

I believe one of the requirements for a Belinda sandwich would be an enormous play area though....the bathroom just wasn't quite big enough ;-) giggle

beautiful amazons rule and their little chihuahua of course
your lil chihuahua will hump you any day of the week baby!!!lol
i had a great time! thanks for all the work setting this up!
weebbadd's Avatar
It was great to see everyone, more laid back than the last new orleans m&g, but it was gulfport not bourbon st. so I think it worked out fine. I really like the location.
For my first mississippi one attending, I was happy to cruise over and check it out.
I only have 2 regrets,
1. not being able to see what was happening in the ladies bathroom,
2. not getting the bartender's number!
I think she was almost sold on going with Lilith and Dakota after!

The ladies were very hot, and very entertaining.
I will attend anytime to visit the Mississippi ladies and gents again.
Thanks again to Belinda and Biomed.
Lilith, I had to google quixotically.

Hope you all have some good holiday cheers!

I am so sorry I missed it..especially since that one was one main reasons for coming to Biloxi to begin with...wicked frown
tracerxxx's Avatar
Thanks for all the hard work biomed and belinda great M&G, enjoyed seeing everybody..
weebbadd it is ok to use google (it is wonderful to see that you would even take the time, most just use the context to try to figure it out..

..sometimes words get away with me and impulsive didn't fit into the thought like quixotically surrounded the complete thought I was trying to infer ...giggle

I missed the NOLA one (POUT!!!) however I really enjoyed speaking with all of my friends and meeting some new ones.

It was the bartenders first night on her own and I believe she did a wonderful job keeping her jacket on....giggle....I as well vote for another M&G on the coast ......if not at the same establishment... MAKE SURE THE BARTENDER IS THERE ... I'm just saying :O

hmmm...Dakota, Belinda, Mary and me......yum!

then add in my other girlfriends that were not able to attend and...hmm...yes I do believe ecstasy would be a word to insert here ......among other things....giggle
sandman227ahb's Avatar
Had a wonderful time seeing everyone again! Was delighted to meet Dakota, and seeing Belinda and Lilith is alays a treat
Poo, I tried so hard to make it on time!! Miss Belinda
May have a bright future in event planning!! She is the hostess with the mostest.