Air sex championship

endurance's Avatar
didn't even know this was a thing, let alone a thing with a championship...

they have one in austin too...

Iron Butterfly's Avatar
One of my past civilian GF when we first started to hang out was telling me about this graphically, she was throwing big hints that she likes to fuck but being shy I was clueless. Dam wish I had that night back?

KimiAmore's Avatar
mmmm sounds interesting i couldn't see the video though
endurance's Avatar
Since you have an outstanding arse as the english would say, here's the link

it is actually a spammish copy of the original, but look at related vids too
endurance's Avatar
i was pondering this the other day, had some opportunities, including one with a cheerleader (i'm not usually cheerleader material lol) - trying to remember wtf my thought process was...

One of my past civilian GF when we first started to hang out was telling me about this graphically, she was throwing big hints that she likes to fuck but being shy I was clueless. Dam wish I had that night back?

IB Originally Posted by Iron Butterfly