WHY, NO TEXTING? - Providers please explain.

epnav44's Avatar
Now i've been around the block once or twice, but I just want to know why do so many providers make it a point not to accept text messages. (They even post it on their ads?)

I mean I can understand that they don't want LE to have written proof, but that's a dumb argument, because they can just as easily record the conversation.

I just don't get it. It's annoying for a guy like me, because I am an extremely busy guy. I don't have time to sit and talk about what I want to do to you when about 95% of the time I have a business client on the other side of my desk... Texting is easier and less headache..

Is there something else that i'm missing? Can some hottie explain... ?
I was wondering the same epnav44.
Tetas's Avatar
  • Tetas
  • 12-17-2010, 11:31 AM
Maybe their pre-paid hobby phone doesn't have a text plan and is a pain in the ass to type on?
I know mine is and charges half a minute for every text in or out.
I was thinking that too. Maybe you should post this on the main discussion board so we can get more answers. I would rather text than call just because of my SO looks at my call logs as to texting there is no tracking..just my .02. I know alot of people say I should get a hobby phone but that will just take out money from my fun time.
This was just recently discussed here...

Hpoe that helps
thanks Ivy Chick
Your very welcome!
I prefer to hear a guy's voice and get a "feel" for him - which is part of screening for a lot of providers. Plus I hate texting. And I think it takes a lot less time to talk on the phone than it does to text.
Here is a girl that will allow you to text but she is out of Glendale...
epnav44's Avatar
How his this girl? Are there any reviews for her?
Can you elaborate on your experience with her...
I personally prefer email for everything even over the phone calls as well because I keep every email and carefully organize them so I can go back and reference whether it be to refresh my memory, see what he requested or what he likes if I do not remember, see if he was a no go. Just lots of reasons.
How his this girl? Are there any reviews for her?
Can you elaborate on your experience with her...
EPNAV Originally Posted by epnav44
Sorry but I have never seen her... I just saw her ad and it said she takes text messages so I put it here. Sorry if I gave you the impression that I have seen her before.
I can talk and text but I prefer talking because it's faster but if I'm around family texting is best