A New Recruit!!!

Cowboy2Step's Avatar
Wynterstark is considering coming out next week as well with her "sister" Autumn, she is going to put a "feeler ad" out to see what kind of interest and from what cities, here is her link to her showcase!!! Alright West Texas don't let me down...


her email or you can PM her...
Pistolero's Avatar
Well Cowboy, I will address Wynter and other ladies here, since you started this thread.

This is my opinion only, others may feel differently.

To me, a feeler ad is useless. My being able to see a visitor is going to really be affected by when the visit is. So, I can tell someone YES, I want to see you. Then, they come out here and I can not, because of timing. The other side is I may not be able to visit when the feeler hits, but I can when they would be here. Both of these scenarios give the ladies a distorted view of their possibilities for appointments.

I believe some sort of timeline should be in the inquiry. I know one lady did this earlier this week about San Angelo. Apparently she got good response, since she posted an ad today giving a definite tour date.

So ladies, give us SOME idea of when you MIGHT come, and you may get more accurate idea of success. I know some travelers have complained that lots of people want them to come, then no appointments. This might help.

i agree with pistolero. it is impossible to give a girl a good idea without some idea of when.
Cowboy2Step's Avatar
Pistolero...I hear you, and I think the ladies appreciate the honesty, no one wants them to come and expectations not be met and be unprofitable, thus ruining the possibility of a repeat visit, but I think if you are interested in seeing them based off showcase, pictures, services, price, etc...then we need to let them know, because for those that can't end up seeing them there will be someone that will...I have pretty high standards and believe myself to have very good taste in women, though I realize opinions and tastes vary, but I am not going to invite anyone, that I would not be proud to tell my best friend, "check this out!" and those are the only ones that I am going to be "recruiting" and I believe we do have a large enough contention out here that we can keep these ladies occupied. SO GIVE THEM A SHOUT OUT!!!
Chica Chaser's Avatar
If she would let us know if El Paso would be a tour stop, I could easily arrange a trip over pretty much anytime. Like another thread addressed, Seems like El Paso is NOT part of West Texas.
PM her already to visit Odessa...
Sorry Chica Chaser, I just don't think I could do the 13 hour drive out to El Paso yet. I'm extremely directionally challenged and could see myself winding up at the Canadian border before I realize I'm lost.

I won't often post solid tour dates in my ads as I once managed to acquire a stalker and he still tends to try and track me down from time to time. I am always glad to send PMs or answer questions about my tour via e-mail.

As of right now I am hearing that Midland/Odessa can be considered one city and so I've put them on my tour circuit as such, however I am always open to advice. I am also thinking that with Lubbock and Amarillo being so close that it would be a small matter to stop off a day or two in each of those cities before I head back home to Dallas.

I hope that helps just a little