I just saw on the news .... Hackers were sucessful in getting access to the Ashley Madison and has users financial info and are threatening to post the info.
Carolina Girl Holly's Avatar
That is really terrible...I just heard it on the radio.

Wow! Cheaters exposed...I had just heard about this website recently...

I wasn't on it! It has been rather quiet today - uh oh!
DallasRain's Avatar
wow....interesting...glad I am not on it!
TedZeppelin's Avatar
On noes All those fake women profiles exposed!!
Well this could get rather interesting. I'm not affected by this in the slightest, but the fallout if the hackers release the info should be entertaining.

Those exposed can always use the old stand-by: Are you going to believe me or your lying eyes?
R'uh R'oh R'haggy

The site was a rip off from the start. If you joined for a period of time you never heard from a woman till you had a week to go on your time. I never wanted to get involved with a married woman just a single one.
Popcorn ready!
Now the hackers can get all the SPAM-BOTS they want!!!!
Thank God i don't use that website
If you are on there and use the same user name as elsewhere - CHANGE YOUR PASSWORDS if you used the same one on other sites.

Hopefully everyone used an "hobby" or alternative email address and paid with an anonymous credit card like Vanilla Visa Gift Card.
I've been contacted by a guy who used his personal credit card on Ashley Madison and is now freaking out.

I've advised him to:
* report the credit card lost or stolen
* change his passwords if they were the same as the one on AM
* don't freak out quite yet as the hackers demands are for AM to take their site down

Does anyone have any suggestions on what he can do to protect himself?