Accept or decline each "What if?"
1. What if you enjoy sex twice as much, but...your partner enjoys it half as much?
2. What if you are the sexiest person on earth, but... you can never have sex?
3. What if you have twice as great sex every time, have to have sex everyday or you will die.
4. What if you could live forever, but.... you could never have sex again?
5. What if you could have sex with anyone you wanted, but....anyone who wanted to have sex with you could?
6. What if you can give your partner the most mind-blowing orgasms, but.... you can never climax?
7. What if you could be the opposite sex for a day, but.... there's a 25% chance you'll stay that way?
8. What if you could have sex with Kate Upton or George Clooney, also had to have sex with Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump?