reviews link

lauralucks's Avatar
I still only have a couple old reviews up on my tab. I put my recent reviews in my Sig, but I want my tab to show ALL of my reviews, What's up with that? Is it just taking extra long?
sixxbach's Avatar
We will get to reviews ASAP...

lauralucks's Avatar
ok ok ok just wonderin! thx
lauralucks's Avatar
Come on, my reviews are still old. Is this personal?

InU's Avatar
  • InU
  • 01-07-2011, 03:55 PM
Not only does she watch the clock but she watches the calender, too.

Quit your whining!

And when your avatar says "kiss this", might not get mods very motivated. I know it wouldn't motivate me.
sixxbach's Avatar

Your reviews should be updated!


oralick's Avatar
Well "in" u obviously have not had the opportunity to kiss LL by ur comments. Ur loss!
InU's Avatar
  • InU
  • 01-10-2011, 03:11 PM
Hey Lick, gotta lil' brown on your nose there, WK.
oralick's Avatar
U B full of the Brown, InU !
sixxbach's Avatar

Your back and forth cane be taken elsewhere. This has nothing to do with Lauralucks question....


lauralucks's Avatar
Thanks Sixx!! <3
Not only does she watch the clock but she watches the calender, too.

Quit your whining!

And when your avatar says "kiss this", might not get mods very motivated. I know it wouldn't motivate me. Originally Posted by InU
Austin: Come on down to Jerktown!

Laura, when I notice a review has yet to be credited to my tab after a long period of time, I go to the review, click on the RTM button and in the comment just ask nicely if this review can be added to your tab. Works every time with a little sugar and spice