Text Spying?

Is it possible to spy/see my daughter's text messages without physically handling the phone? Thanks for all suggestions.
A couple of options for you...

Option 1 (free but requires an iphone and "family" plan):
  • Register all your family's phones under the same i-Cloud account.
  • Hit Settings, then Messages and then Send and Receive. Here you should see your family's phone numbers listed and checked.
  • To receive text copies from those phones, check your phone number under Start New Conversation.

Option 2 (monthly fees likely apply):
Use a "child phone" monitoring service, third-party software such as this one is targeted for this situation; or, you can get something less robust through your particular carrier, like this one for Verizon or this AT&T one.

Good luck!
YoHou's Avatar
  • YoHou
  • 08-09-2015, 07:08 PM
This will be tough cause kids use more than just SMS to text each other now. Pretty much every app has their on internal messaging systems. Snapchat, whisper, a lot of games, kik, viber, hangouts (with sms disabled), and many more.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
I'd be willing to bet there are more than a few wives out there asking that same question.
Be careful what you wish for.