Newbies and veterans alike: This is how you write reviews

Sir Lancehernot's Avatar

Pick any one. They're all excellent. I wish the mods would sticky one as an example.

Information, literacy, brevity, organization. Everything I need to make an informed decision is available and easily read and digested. The only thing missing is the TinMan-approved Provider Name/City/Recommendation, Additional Comments structure of the subject line. But I can live without that (since, by and large, I already am. )

Bravo, Mr, Arquette. Keep 'em coming.

EDIT: In response to Mr. Smith's comment below, I'll modify: "This is how you write reviews if your goal is to effectively communicate information to other hobbyists." I don't think that'll fit in the subject line.
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
I dont think he is a newbie. Probably not his first rodeo. The style is unmistakable.

Nevertheless sir lance... You are right. His reviews are top notch.
Roger.Smith's Avatar
The "proper" way to write reviews is a matter of personal taste. A well written review to one man, may be a disappointment to another because he can't jack off to it. Some guys like writing pornographic fiction, some guys like romance novels, others are interested in listing activities without all the fluff. Guys like writing reviews like they had the provider squirting like a lawn sprinkler. It's the biggest genre around here.

To me, any style is okay as long as the hobbyist doesn't lie, misrepresent, or tries to deceive other hobbyists. Be it for personal gain or to feed their own ego.
ManSlut's Avatar
Chung Tran's Avatar
well he's certainly been busy.. that layout is a copy of several guys on here, nothing wrong or right with it, I personally don't like to see it on EVERY review.. I called the "Minaj" review out as possibly fake.. I just read all 5 reviews, that one definitely stands out as flowery, almost promotional in its eagerness.. the other 4 are opposites, dry wording.

he's been here all of 5 days, with 5 reviews.. that statistic alone keeps me from holding a banner for his reviews.. a couple of AMP reviewers used to be like that.. a new review damn near everyday.. except they weren't really seeing anybody.
pmdelites's Avatar
it's how HE writes reviews.
wahdws - we all have diff writing styles.

cos if we all wrote the same way, reviews would prolly becum very "boring" 😎
guest071618-1's Avatar
Change your title to "Newbies and veterans alike: This is how you write articles/book"..
With my 3rd grade English (or was it 2nd?), no way I can write that... an no way I am writing that....
Maybe I will copy and paste old playboy or penthouse articles/stories. (I think last time I read that was in college)...
The style is less important than the inclusion of needed information in a clear, consise manner with a minimum of fluff.
FunInDFW's Avatar

The person the OP is talking about isn't a provider... Have you gone from shilling for them let to guys now?