Had set something up with a provider today. Had PMd her to prove who I was and while I do not cast a wide shadow on the board I think I have been consistent enough and seen some majors and minor league types also to have some small credibility. She did a great job telling me traffic was holding her up etc. She text me that she is 10 minutes out and then 15 min later I get a text saying exactly this "Hey I just tried to call and it didn't in through it spooked me" Well what does that gibberish mean exactly? Since theoretically she was near I texted that I would go stand outside or whatever but no reply. I guess she either got a better offer or as she is new to town and the hobby and visiting from Dallas I guess she could have gotten spooked by (who knows what). Or my paranoia can kickin and say she never intended to show up and was just wasting my time for the fun of it.
Well I am certainly not taking it personally but Mr Happy does. Wasted afternoon and nothing to show for it but a boner in my hand which is not worth two in the bush I can assure you. Back to the drawing board I guess. I wish we could all just get along and be fn honest. Just had to vent, usually I would not say anything and am not trying to start any drama. I wish the lady well and I give her points for at least telling me she was spooked although she never finished the thought and said she turned around. Guess its a vodka tonic night at the bar tonight. Cheers everyone.