Masculine vs feminine energy

I LOVE men with a soft, gentle, elegant disposition who have naturally sweet, innocent, child-like personalities - and, basically sound, act like women, haha - I mean that, in the best way possible!

I am obviously a woman but have totally masculine energy - I think it's a sexy combo & interesting, cleverly disguised gift

I can be girly n all of that because it's also a part of me

I think it makes life fun

I like seeing how I tend to attract partners who naturally follow in line with my energy - more subservient

And, I take charge etc etc while we both remain our outer mas & fem shells/roles

Yes, I like taking a man out for dinner

No, I have never let myself being taken out (rare), feels weird because I'm supposed to initiate ?

Needless, to say I can be a very difficult woman to approach in real life. I'll turn you away, shoot you down, bluntly ignore you

Then, if I see something interesting in you ...I'll come for you, find you, hunt you down
I can totally relate to this.