Time to Boycott Subway for me!

Jared Fogle is a sick SOB! Preyed on children as young as 6 on website and various physical relationships with numerous minors.

That takes a sick mind and he was always promoted as an all-American great guy by Subway.

Just my opinion for what it matters...but I loathe child predators.
WTF's Avatar
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  • 08-19-2015, 03:30 PM
That has nothing to do with Subway
corona's Avatar
What an ignorant statement. As soon as the investigation started with Fogle, Subway severed all ties with him.

Bitch about their food all you like, but to blackball Subway because of what Fogle did in his private life on a hooker message board is just hypocrisy.
chicagoboy's Avatar
Just my opinion for what it matters...but I loathe child predators. Originally Posted by AMP Surfer
Bravo, sir - that took guts! Your moral courage is a shining example for us all.
The moral high road on a hooker site . . gotta love it!
Sorry I offended you WTF! You must own stock in Subway? LOL
Have another corona...corona and back off. Just my opinion and Subway is not off the hook YET!
Fantazier's Avatar
How was Subway suppose to predict what a spokesman is going to do? Were they suppose to have a Crystal Ball?

By the way his wife also filed for divorce. So he pretty much ruined his own life.
Companies aren't suppose to run our lives, that our responsibility.

No, I'm not offended, but your statement made absolutely no sense to me.
Who eats that subway garbage anyway?
Texanbychoice's Avatar
Subway is not off the hook YET! Originally Posted by AMP Surfer
Ok. This is one of the wackest statements I think I have heard all month. A company using endorsers has no control over what they do in their private lives. Subway did the responsible thing severing ties as soon as it came to light.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-20-2015, 07:41 AM
Sorry I offended you WTF! You must own stock in Subway? LOL Originally Posted by AMP Surfer
You did not offend me. I prefer Schlotzsky's.

But what you did was attribute something incorrectly. Be no more stupid that you thinking the Rooster is responsible for the Sun coming up in the morning.
corona's Avatar
Have another corona...corona and back off. Just my opinion and Subway is not off the hook YET! Originally Posted by AMP Surfer
If you've ever had a sweet chicken teriyaki from subway, you're also guilty of a crime.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
Guest010619's Avatar
How about banning the NFL instead since hitting your fiancé and dragging her by the hair seems more acceptable.