I have been on and off eccie for almost a year this is an addiction and I need to be done with it . Please deactivate my account I know I have asked before to get off and then turned around and got right back on here but I need a lifestyle change .
It's so easy for you to say be careful becarful one of my clients hacked my account all my messages are gone and it was because of my own actions I should be more careful and I'm sorry that client is no longer a client of mine and sometimes clients get obsessed I am here for a reason and it's not to run you off or to get a stalker I'm just trying to provide a means to live with the love I give other and their genuine gifts of appreciation for for my time and love of you haven't heard from me or are wondering why I am here's and there if you really knew you would know I have a stalker who won't leave me alone even hacked my eccie now I have changed things and hopefully I can continue on with my adventure on eccie .