
Does anyone do this? What are it's benefits and downfalls during play? Can everyone be hypnotised?
Your getting VERY sleepy !!!!!!!!!!
The Scientific America channel had an interesting show on entitled Curiosity in which they brainwashed a individual to kill in a very short period of time. I would suggest viewing the show to answer your question. Some of the information was very frightful in that some people are truly able to brainwash specific individuals without abuse. It has become clear some of the stories on the subject of brainwashing are true when any method is used. The short answer to the question is yes for some, but not all.
Hypnosis is not really something to play with. There are some people it might not work on and some people it works to well on. I do a trick with some women where I teach them to cum on my command. Its great to call them up a day or two later and here the whimper in there voice because they are not in private but know it would happen if I just said the word.
smokeater's Avatar
Very thought provoking. I lost about 30 pounds through hypno once and kept most of it off. ApplyIng hypnotism to sexual play never entered my mind... Till now. I wonder if it could be used to improve confidence in the bedroom, which could have a tremendous effect on performance. Plenty of possibilities to ponder here.
Interesting Regmand...could you elaborate/share?
Usually its good to have a mistress with some type of psychological schooling. I have been seeing Mistress Cyber of LegShoppe New Orleans for 45 min hypnosis sessions geared to dropping negative habits. She is very skilled.
At one point I was a certified hypnotherapist. It isn't something scary or evil as you will never do anything you don't want to do - your subconscious mind keeps you safe.

It is like you are driving the car and the hypnotist has the map helping you get where you want.

If you are open and willing to hypnosis - you will be hypnotized. I use to love the ones who use to say that they didn't think they could be hypnotized, but willing to try it. They were the ones that usually went the deepest and got the best results.

You might have seen stage shows where people do silly things like cluck like a chicken and etc. The hypnotist looks for people who are easily hypnotized and then while up on stage - says some things to pick the ones who will act silly on stage (like if they were drunk).

I had a Dom who use to hypnotize me before, during and after sex - it was so awesome, sensual and mind blowing. I never did anything I didn't want to (hard limits - the fucker tried, but I just wouldn't), but the hypnosis helped me go places I didn't realize that I had a desire to (if that makes sense).
houston_switch's Avatar
Interesting thread, one i have not seen here before.
agreed, very interesting...
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
So what would one do with this? Make a not so open minded individual open minded!

Guest010619's Avatar
(Fuck us...fuck us)
There is a good book about erotic hypnosis http://www.amazon.com/Mind-Play-Guid...words=mindplay
Guest010619's Avatar
Years ago there was an erotic hypnotist who had several Playboy, Penthouse and Playgirl models under her spell. The funniest part came when she said.
"Your all naked!"
The ladies immediately tried to cover themselves with crossed arms and legs, the male spread himself open.
Does anyone do this? What are it's benefits and downfalls during play? Can everyone be hypnotised? Originally Posted by justabloke
Yes. I am clinically trained in the science of hypnosis. I found this works well on those suggestible to its use. My wife is my best subject. Frees up inhibitions and guilt and creates a truly dynamic and wild time. It is a great tool when used with respect, honesty and trust.