FUCK 0zombies and CoC poodles...

By John Velisek USN (Ret), staff writer

When Huma Abedin was two-years of age, her family moved to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. The reason for the move was Huma’s father, Syed Abedin, was recruited by Abdullah Omar Naseef to work for the Institute of Minority Affairs. This same Naseef spent time as Secretary General of the Muslim World League which works with The Muslim Brotherhood.

At age 18, Huma returned to the United States, attending Georgetown University in 1996.

She began interning for Bill Clinton and in time became an aide to the Clintons, working both on Hillary Clinton’s senatorial campaign and her failed bid for President in 2008.

While interning for Bill Clinton, Huma Abedin also worked as an executive Board member of George Washington University’s Muslim Student’s Association and was head of the “Social Committee” form 1997 to 1999.

Shortly after Abedin’s departure, the Student Association’s spiritual guide was Anwar Al-Awlaki who was also spiritual advisor to some of the 9/11 terrorists.

Another chaplain at the GWU was Mohamed Omeish, former head of the Islamic Relief Organization which has been tied to Al Qaeda.

From 1996-2008, Huma Abedin worked for the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs. During this time, she still worked closely with HILLARY AND ABEDIN Hillary Clinton and when Clinton was appointed Secretary of State in 2009, Abedin became her Deputy Chief of Staff. It was at this time Abedin’s name was removed from the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs roll call.

In June 2012, Abedin was given permission to do outside government consulting work as a “Special Government Employee.”

As a consultant, Abedin’s outside interests included the U.S. State Department, advising Hillary Clinton, The William Jefferson Clinton Foundation and assisting a Clinton crony named Doug Band who owned a company called Teneo. The administration was asked to explain a possible conflict of interest on the part of Abedin, given her association with these groups, but was rebuffed.

At the same time, five Republican lawmakers sent letters to the Inspector General of the Department of Homeland Security, the Department of Justice and the State Department asking if the Muslim Brotherhood was gaining undue influence in the decision making of the Obama Administration.

Questions were raised about Huma Abedin’s proximity to decision and policy making within the State Department. Other Republicans, including John McCain and John Boehner, had no concerns about the matter.

Coupled with the information that Hillary Clinton used a personal server in violation of government regulations for all government correspondence, it has since been learned that Huma Abedin and Clinton’s chief of staff, Cheryl Mills, also had addresses on the server.

At the present time, I do not know of anyone who has requested those particular e-mails from Clinton’s personal server.

It was sometime in 2001 that the State Department abandoned the federal government’s policy of having no dealings with the HILLARY 4 Muslim Brotherhood. The State department sent emissaries to Egypt to train the Muslim Brotherhood in Democratic principles.

Hillary Clinton intervened to allow Tariq Ramadan, the grandson of the Brotherhood’s founder, to enter the United States.

The State Department let it be known that it would allow a Muslim Brotherhood presidency in Egypt. The State Department and the Obama administration transferred $1.5 billion in aid to Egypt after the Muslim Brotherhood candidate Mohammed Morsi won the presidency in June of 2012. Obama then tried to reclaim the money after an uprising in Egypt which removed Morsi from office and threw the Muslim Brotherhood out. OBAMA CHRISTIAN MUSLIM

The Obama Administration continues to support Hamas, a Muslim Brotherhood offshoot, to the tune of millions of dollars each year. This same State Department has allowed groups like the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, influenced by the Brotherhood, to instill Sharia compliance into American free speech rights, tacitly restricting any criticism of Islam in the United States.

Although Sharia has not been made a part of our law, does anyone doubt the possibility that it soon may be given Obama’s viewpoints on the Islamic world and especially our own?

The question remains and is still asked by House conservatives, how did Huma Abedin qualify for top secret clearance? Every time it is raised, the subject is firmly and quickly slapped down by establishment Republicans and, of course, the Administration.

Hillary Clinton declared in 2010, at the Dar Al-Hekma College in hillary and abedin 2Jeddah Saudi Arabia, that Huma Abedin was almost like another daughter. The statement raises two very important points. If Hillary actually feels that way and does not understand the ramifications of meeting Huma’s mother Dr. Saleha Abedin, a known terror-tied professor, then she does not understand the world stage as it is and should never be president. If she does understand and is assisting the Muslim Brotherhood in achieving its ends, she should be thrown in jail and clearly never be considered for any elected office.

Either way, this country cannot afford to entrust massive power to someone with the baggage of Hillary Clinton on questions of national security.

More to the point, the American people cannot abide the presence of a high-priced traitor in the White House.

gfejunkie's Avatar
Aw, shit! I thought we were going to see some nudie pics.
Would have been a helluva lot better than seeing 'Carlos Danger' again. Yuk!
Aw, shit! I thought we were going to see some nudie pics.
Would have been a helluva lot better than seeing 'Carlos Danger' again. Yuk! Originally Posted by gfejunkie

I don't want to see Huma with her mutilated slit...
gfejunkie's Avatar
I don't want to see Huma with her mutilated slit... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
You have a point there. Sorry for the image.
All I know,,,,, I saw the title from the OP

All I know,,,,, I saw the title from the OP

Originally Posted by littlejake

You think Anthony calls his weiner Huma or WombRaider?

You think Anthony calls his weiner Huma or WombRaider?

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Naw he called it his sweet little iffy.
Naw he called it his sweet little iffy. Originally Posted by i'va biggen

You keep playing with WTF's monkey balls and you gonna get bitch slapped again... eehbuurrhhh
Fuck them God Damn musoslavers...
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
You keep playing with WTF's monkey balls and you gonna get bitch slapped again... eehbuurrhhh Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB

Naw he called it his sweet little iffy. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Eva, have you ever heard the old joke .. "how do Native Indians name their kids?"

goes something like this..

ah who cares .. right to punchline ..

"Why do you ask, two monkeys fucking?"

If I keep playing with WTF's monkey balls and you gonna get bitch slapped again... eehbuurrhhh Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
I see you finally got some pussy whiffy. Another worthless video with nothing to do with the Op.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Naw he called it his sweet little iffy. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
did you say something, Two Monkeys Fucking? ..
nope, i didn't think so.
Give me a fucking break... 0zombies...
did you say something,about Two Monkeys Fucking? .. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Yep the whackoff kid and whiffy two monkeys fucking. You two deserve one another.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
actually Huma Abedin is well known as a muslin whore and Billery's lesbo lover to boot.
i bet slick Willie Blythe got a few headjobs as well. WeinerBrain's "marriage" to her is second only to the political scam of Hussein and mooochelle the transvestite as a marriage of political convenience.

but since the hillbitch wants to be the next Socialist president of the USA like the Mulatto in Chief .. it is worth repeating who this socialist whore hangs with.

in this next election you have a clear choice. it ain't rocket science people.

Vote America

or vote Socialist

it ain't rocket science people. it's pretty simple actually