Hmmm... looks like Bill might be into something shady
Hmmm... looks like Bill might be into something shadyThe Clinton's add another to their body count ! Ole Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden better be careful not to full victim to any "accidents" ! Originally Posted by WombRaider
What a mess. Every week, seemingly every other day, there is a new shady revelation about Bill and Hillary Clinton that manages to top the last one. For them there seems to be no bottom; for their supporters, there seems to be no self-respect.
The hundreds of millions of dollars from corrupt governments, billionaires with agendas and God knows who else. The server wiped so thoroughly – and no, not with a cloth – you can tell someone learned the importance of cleanliness from the blue dress. And now we learn Bill, the former president, with more money than he possibly could spend in his lifetime, sought approval to take even more from some of the worst human garbage ever to walk upright. (More on this later.)
It’s enough to make the sane wonder what the hell is wrong with these people.
But Clinton lovers are not sane. They are not rational. Hillary could give a press conference and explicitly call her supporters the dumbest people on the planet while Bill stood behind her throwing puppies and kittens into a wood-chipper, and she’d still have a base of support.
A new Quinnipiac Poll found the top three words Americans associated with her were: 1. Liar; 2. Dishonest; 3. Untrustworthy. The first positive word people associated with her was “experience,” which was given by less than half the number of respondents who answered “liar.”
That is awful, yet she is the best the Democratic Party has to offer.
As “the best,” Hillary Clinton is now so weak that Joe Biden – JOE FREAKING BIDEN – is now seriously considered a possible savior for the party’s chances.
It’s because the Clintons are known by those three words – dishonest, untrustworthy liars.
How else to explain Bill Clinton, a former president and even then a potential future first husband, asking for (and not getting) State Department permission to deliver a paid speech in the Democratic Republic of the Congo?
Women are terrorized in the Congo, routinely raped and worse. Why on Earth would anyone, let alone a former president, wish to speak there and, as part of the package, have a photo-op with the country’s leaders?
Bill was offered $650,000 for the speech. That much money could easily corrupt any number of people, but someone whose wife is planning to run for president? Someone whose wife is the secretary of state? Someone who has earned tens of millions of dollars and whose foundation has hundreds of millions of dollars in assets?
As if the Congo idea wasn’t bad enough, Bill Clinton also sought permission to give a paid speech in North Korea.
North Korea – the nation Bill Clinton cut a deal with as president, the nation he agreed to give nearly everything needed to build a nuclear bomb in exchange for the promise it wouldn’t build a bomb; then, surprise, it did – is one of the most isolated and oppressive nations in history. Its population starves while its leaders grow fat and live like kings. This government wanted to pay Bill Clinton to speak. Worse, Bill Clinton wanted to take the money.
Even more bizarre is the fact the Clinton-North Korea speech was facilitated by Tony Rodham, Hillary’s brother.
We’re still waiting for someone to ask Hillary how her brother came to be the intermediary for North Korea in this and be in position to offer her husband untold piles of money for a speech.
The answer, of course, is this is Tony Rodham’s life. He is a satellite around his sister and brother-and-law – always there, always close, but not too close. Like so many in the Clinton circle, these people pop up when you least expect them, where they’re least qualified, often times buried in money, but far enough away for plausible deniability.
The documents released this week exposing Bill’s failed despotic money grab were discovered not by dogged journalists conducting extensive investigations of a top presidential contender but thanks to public records requests from Citizens United.
If we had an honest media, we’d see reporters trying to advance this story with some pointed questions. Of course, if we had an honest media, it wouldn’t have required a conservative non-profit to discover the Congo and North Korean outreach or the former president’s willingness to cash those checks.
Come to think of it, the words Americans most associate with Hillary Clinton are words people associate with the media, so “birds of a feather” and all that.
I'm glad you brought this up, wormser...As a longtime Clinton fan, I'm disturbed by these allegations about Bill, who was really a good President.
The Clintons Continue To Clinton Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
A crossing dressing intelligence Brit found dead in a locked duffle bag....sounds like a case of the Arkansas Flu.Calling for due process is not being a stalwart defender. That's just how you choose to see things.
I have to wonder why this attracted the notice of the above. The above has always been a stalward defender of all things Clintonian. Wonder if this has anything to do with Orgy Island? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Calling for due process is not being a stalwart defender. That's just how you choose to see things. Originally Posted by WombRaiderLets base you comments in reality. You never called for "due process" unless you mean shutting down all the investigations because YOU believe that both of them are pure and innocent of anything.
Lets base you comments in reality. You never called for "due process" unless you mean shutting down all the investigations because YOU believe that both of them are pure and innocent of anything. Originally Posted by JD BarleycornI never said shut the investigations down except when applying to Benghazi, when after 7 committees or panels have ruled on it, it should be done. Quit wasting our money on that and move on.
I never said shut the investigations down except when applying to Benghazi, when after 7 committees or panels have ruled on it, it should be done. Quit wasting our money on that and move on.
I don't know whether they're innocent or not. That is why we have investigations. We shall find out. Don't tell me what I'm calling and not calling for, cock ring.
You're completely driven by ideology. You expect the same from someone on the opposite side. Surprise, we aren't all the same, shitbird. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Cock ring??? That has got to be one of the weirdest attempted insults on this board. You already fired your shot on the Benghazi investigation when you tried to pass off a nine month old story as a recent story. Before the emails, before the revelations from State. You've just go away. Originally Posted by JD BarleycornYou're so gay, my ass hurts.
As a longtime Clinton fan, I'm disturbed by these allegations about Bill, who was really a good President. Originally Posted by DSKGood enough to lyingly claim " I did not... have sex with that woman...Mizz " Devil in a Blew Dress " Lewinsky ! " to the American people and, to his detriment, Federal investigators. For which, the latter made him the SECOND President face impeachment . And further caused the serial sexual predator to loose his Arkansas law license and to loose the civil law suit that Paula Jones had against him. Mr. "Rhodes Scholar" , which he DIDN'T complete, used his pursuit of higher education as a way dodge of the draft . The media made a big deal over how "smart" he was for having received a scholarship to study at Oxford, yet didn't say squat about their anointed genius when he said, in response to a question if he had ever smoked an forbidden subject, " I did not inhale ! "