Good morning!
Not sure if I'm posting in correct section, but since if felt "fishy" to me, I felt from the feedback it may warrant a warning for the other ladies. I'm "sapphire" on bp, sorry for any confusion, trying to figure out how to get everything in sync here and add pix and become verified (finally got 2 reviews! 😊. I'm a "newbie" of sorts, so please bear with me. So, yesterday I had a call from a guy that was cool at first, but when I attempted to do some screening, he gave me his handle on here, and he has quite a few reviews on ladies he's seen. Funny thing is, he got very pushy and even tried to get me to see him in a parking lot. It struck me as odd, for someone to have that many reviews out here and to be a member, the pushiness kinda had me concerned. We also got on the topic of someone that used to be my "best friend" and worked, she stole my car and money, and son and well, that's over, needless to say. I don't know if I can post her name her, so I'll leave that alone. He told me that a few weeks ago, someone had texted him from her number saying she was dead, had wrecked my stolen car. I know this is not true for a fact. He said they were buddies and he's seen her several times. It just all seemed very "off" to me. My question is, even if they have a handle on here, does that mean that they are probably okay, and it's okay to see them?? I haven't seen many people, I'm sure the trust issue goes both ways, I also think that my "friend" May be doing some shady things since I reported my car stolen. I believe she is now with a pimp and I'm pretty sure he's not a "real" one and isn't about business, just money. There is a difference, although I can't see handing my hard earned money to anyone else, to each his own. Well, hope someone can help, and I would like to keep other ladies aware of this number if it's not legit.