Does the title of an AD carry any weight? I sure as hell can't think of anything creative...dammit

I have a mini-dilemma and a question re: the titles of ADs

I have wanted to ask this for quite some time. I think it has been asked before but, I don't have time to do a search AND I don't think that was relevant to what I want to know.

Do the 'titles' of an AD matter to you or is it more about:
Whether you would want to see that provider or not?
Does the word 'special' have more impact?
Do clever titles get your attention?
I am sure the promise of pictures helps, yes?

Some of you have said that there are some titles that seem very BP oriented and those are a turn-off. **@$$**

This is my dilemma - I wanted to post an ad and couldn't think of a catchy title. Once again, this is not intended as a threAD, just an admission of my lack of creativity.
I stared at the computer screen last night, bug-eyed from fatigue and finally gave up because I couldn't think of anything 'Aphrodite-ish'.

*I am now typing this 8 hours after the above was composed. I THOUGHT I had posted this to co-ed...but, nooooooo - I hit 'submit post' and forgot to fill in the title. Yeah, so I guess I am 'title-challenged'(and blonde) Good grief!

So, anywhooooos, guys...I may not need you to satisfy my ~*~Flaming Lust~*~...but, please satisfy my curiosity...

"Fit young spinner with full menu offering a special" works every time.

Aside from that I got nothing. Catchy ad titles mean little when it comes to interest. It's the pics and reviews at a competitive price that grab my attention.
My ads were always the funnest part of the week. I'd experiment with total raunch, utter silliness and whatever amused me, at the time. Those were always my best ads... tge ones that came from pure stream of conciseness with no filter! I don't speak raunchy in person, but it sure is fun to write about!

I just let the different moods I'm in, influence my ads! I'm a moody fucker. Lol. Remember Tracy Ulman? She would take on different personalities? That's kind of how Scarlett is. Ya just never know what kind of a sexual mood she will be in, so I just go with it!

One day I just want to be a cheap whore and do quickies. Some days I feel like writing as if my vagina is diamond encrusted and wants to be wined and dined for long engagements. I have to break the thesaurus out on that one. Lol.

Feeling chatty. Sorry, I really digress.
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
Being creative helps, I like what SDR said, but strait to the point works.

black sunshine's Avatar
Ads don't carry any weight at all.
Showcases do...... most the providers pull the check my showcase for specials..... so clicking an ad is a waste of time.

Ad section is just a browse to see what traveling girls are around.
michaelbolton's Avatar
none at all...unless it has the word "Free" in it...
This is my favorite ad title:

And Miss Valentina always has catchy ad titles, too.
ck1942's Avatar
OK, I couldn't immediately address nor answer the OP's question, but imo, even though many of say we don't pay much attention to a title, certainly we view titles every time we open a forum.

I look at several components:

-- Obviously, the title. But if there are more than, say, 12 words, and more than a single symbol or two, titles are of little interest to me.

-- Obviously, the poster. Nuff sed on that, unless she's been gone a long while or very brand new. Many posters are quite interesting to me, perhaps from an intellectual standpoint, perhaps from a past playmate or current playmate status, perhaps something else I cannot immediately recall.

-- Text body. If the colors are "faded pink" or otherwise tough for these old eyeballs to negotiate, usually I skip down and quickly, at that.

-- Text content. Gotta have some basics, like new or updated contact information, screening/vouching preferences, hours of operation, LOCATION especially if the poster is a visitor from out of town. Honey, are you here yet, please?

-- Photos. Always of interest, but when they are so LARGE!!!! that they crowd my handheld screen, I tend to lose interest even if the photos are great looking and brand new to me.

-- Signatures. Gotta say this, at least once more. Many posters simply don't understand that some browsers obscure signatures. Signatures can be updated system wide. Signatures usually have some vital to me info. Check mine out, for example, and if you cannot get all the vital info into a signature, then post a link there to the additional info hosted elsewhere.

Aphrodite, thanks for the opportunity to expound a bit!

And very good seeing you at the southside happy hour last night!
Purtybaby's Ads were the best. Handsdown.
Aggressive titles (greek queen! - use all my holes!) do not appeal and I don't even open them up. I enjoy the clever ones and its not too too difficult to figure out who the mature ladies are around here.
Mr Peabody's Avatar
You should consider contracting with Jenns Lolli for your ads. She NEVER fails to have an enticing ad.

Also with your prandle you should have plenty of Greek Mythology analogies to call upon.

"Well endowed magical Goddess Aphrodite descending to earth to enchant mortals in North ATX for Saturnday only, discount:10 simoleons."
This is my favorite ad title:

And Miss Valentina always has catchy ad titles, too. Originally Posted by Claire She Blows
Play Nice, Dammit!

-Nilla (If Miss V and me can get along REALLY WELL....can't we all?)
*edit* I did it sorry
DaddyMatt's Avatar
This is my favorite ad title:

And Miss Valentina always has catchy ad titles, too. Originally Posted by Claire She Blows

Lol that's an awesome AD. I do have to say certain ADs catch my attention by the title.
illuminati's Avatar
! +hink @dds \/\/I+h $]>ec!@l character$ R +he \/\/or$e!