Has anyone ever heard of this??

Ok so everyone has heard of webcam shows. My question is has you hear of Avatar webcam shows? Basically you do a show on the cam but its not your face it is an avatar and you control it. I was looking up different things you could do as far as web cam shows and this popped up. At first it made me laugh but when i researched it a little more it was mind blowing. What are y'alls thoughts on it.
CaptainMastPole's Avatar
never heard of it. a link to research would help.
Yes more info would be great! Im still working on my cam stuff as well and this sounds like a fun & interesting option
http://www.virtualsexwork.com/ is the link to the website. Let me know what you think
Not sure how many gents would be into doing the virtual sex thing. I'd imagine most would rather just pay to see a live woman.
I love REAL~ LIVE....PLAY...WAY...TOO...MUC H!!!!!!
(but cute idea ).... lol.
Sounds like something i'd love to do �� thanks for sharing good ideas.