Should reviews be divided up by 'service level' or venue?

A discussion in Austin Coed about the placement of an indie FBSM lady's review in the Spa/Studio section has made me wonder about the organization of reviews here.

That discussion's at for thread readers' reference.

Would it make sense to you to redirect reviews of massage-oriented sessions to the Spa forum or should those reviews remain in the indie provider review forum?

Several thread posters made arguments for moving reviews of non-FS massage sessions out of the indie providers' forum, but I've traditionally thought of review organization being by venue and not service type or level.

What say you?
sue_nami's Avatar
a local FBSM section on ECCIE has been discussed and desired ever since I arrived here 3 years ago. I'm all for it. we also need a kinky section so the guys with delicate sensibilities do not have to read my reviews about strap ons and get their panties twisted over what other consenting adults do behind closed doors.
I'd be interested in seeing what kind of demand there'd be for a local or even regional 'Other Realm' subforum. (If there wasn't enough traffic to merit separate Austin, Dallas, Houston, SA kinky forums, maybe just a Texas one?)
I don't know, but our reviews are scattered all over the place in the Indy, Spa and agency section. We are an indy coop, so no one knows what the hell to do with us. Lol!
And I'd love to see a local kink section. That would be fan-fucking- tastic!