
Rec1166's Avatar
So I keep checking Cason's profile and it said last log in 3/28. Then all of a sudden it says 9/4/15. So someone logged into her account. Tried to send a PM, but it's full. Sent an email, but no response yet. Has anyone been in touch with her? Last I heard she was suppose to be moving to Abilene. thanks

jabe18's Avatar
She did move to Abilene, I had so much fun with her I wanted to see her again about two weeks after. Have texted her, no idea if this phone still works, no response then about eight or nine months down the road still no response. She may have retired
Rec1166's Avatar
Right before I left Abilene she told me she had found a house and was going to move. Then saw a couple of reviews from guys that had seen her at the new place. Her phone number worked for awhile, but not anymore. Funny, it was almost six months between log in to her profile. Wonder what happened. I don't think she retired. Or at least didn't mention it. She was looking forward to working in Abilene. Maybe I'll hear from her.


jabe18's Avatar
I hope you are right, I really enjoyed my time with her!
whitchaditcha's Avatar
Any news on this? She is freaking hot!!!
Rec1166's Avatar
No response to the emails. Hasn't been online again since 9/4. And her number is disconnected. So nothing yet

Last I heard she is now engaged and out of the business. I knew her personally and professionally and it sucks both ways that she's now engaged. I wish she would make a comeback though. Although I think the guy she's engaged to is someone she met in the business so he probably is controlling about that.
Rec1166's Avatar
Last I heard she is now engaged and out of the business. I knew her personally and professionally and it sucks both ways that she's now engaged. I wish she would make a comeback though. Although I think the guy she's engaged to is someone she met in the business so he probably is controlling about that. Originally Posted by desim86
Interesting. One of the last times I saw Cason she told me she was getting divorced from her husband that was in prison. Said she was never going to fall in love again. Cason didn't seem the type to me to let a guy control her life, but you never know. I was dating an escort that I met, for several months. But I never tried to make her stop. Wished she would, but didn't try to make her. It ended, but not because of her working. If she is in love, and engaged, wish her the best. I just wanted to know she was ok.

Keyhole Arc Blow's Avatar
Or maybe she stopped on her own, for the simple fact that he makes enough for the two of them so she doesn't need to be a provider and she doesn't want to feel bad about see other guys when she already has someone? Maybe that's just the romantic in me talking, but there's more than one reason she stopped now that she's with someone.