• STF
  • 09-16-2015, 01:36 PM

Are you guys/girls interested on having Monday Night Football or Sunday Night Football parties?

Feel free to send us a PM

It makes it very difficult to focus on a game with a bunch of hot girls hanging around. I prefer to see a girl, then watch my football in peace.
Bill James's Avatar
If you could strap a TV screen on their backs. See ass and football at the same time. Lol
  • 09-16-2015, 04:28 PM
I vote for SNF.
I'm in. Mercer you are just getting old. Before you know it you will be sitting on that dead dick bench by my dad at the local store talking about back in the day. I'm just kidding and hoping to liven this board up again.
dcarr's Avatar
  • dcarr
  • 09-17-2015, 10:25 AM
Hmm I would but ball and chain likes to watch football too. She does travel though so when she is out of town then yes.
Jack Johnson's Avatar
I absolutely love the idea. I can always watch the replay if it was that good. Problem is, my participation would be limited similar to dcarr's. Only when she is out of town.
  • STF
  • 09-17-2015, 11:42 AM
I am 100% sure that Brissia will be more than happy to help out with the hosting details....of any kind. She is in already.
rgv123's Avatar
MNF is perfect !!!

ccsugardaddy's Avatar
I AM IN...........just no fumbles!
Intel-Dawg's Avatar
Count me in, I'm perfectly fine with either SNF or MNF!
Just curious, why was Thursday Night Football left out?
  • STF
  • 09-17-2015, 07:20 PM
Ok so we will send pm and start with SNF....Awesome
SNF! Count me in.Nothing better than beer,boobies and football.!!
Why not have both... I'm in