Managers and handlers.

Iron Butterfly's Avatar
So recently I had a conversation with a manager and got some good insight.
I think having an experienced provider (maybe retired) managing new young ladies could be a good thing. I think Marely does this, but not 100% sure.

Not pimps but just taking care of the business side with scheduling and so on.

I would happily see a girl that was managed by a more mature and knowing lady. She is going to be more likely to keep the girl on her appointments and when the tempting two hour last minute date comes in she is wise enough to not bump the monger as she sees the bigger picture, at least I would hope so.

So how do you feel about managers and handlers, not talking pimps on this one, thanks.

Iron Butterfly's Avatar
The only problem you run into usually is when there is a no show or late....
Then it's 3 way phone tag. Originally Posted by black sunshine
I don't see that as an issue. If the manager is on top of it it is taken care of. You know as well as I do communicating with clients in business on a multiple level is not that hard these day, hell I can communicate with two, three or four people in a 5 min time fram to get what's needed done.

The point is a manager should have a better time managing then the young lady. Example, you are a vocal and highly visible member here, like yourself. You book an hour date, then a lurking longtime monger that is not a poster wants a multi hour date in the same time slot. The manger should have a better judgment call and side with you, just my thoughts, but does not mean it's what happens. Can't be worse then it is!

Iron Butterfly's Avatar
You will feel differently when you are sitting in your car, get no response when you arrive, call manager..... get no response.
Then trust me.... you'll understand the issue. Originally Posted by black sunshine
How is that different then currently sitting in my car listening to crickets?

My point is it can't be any worse.

Iron Butterfly's Avatar
It multiplies it by 2.
I've always found dealing with one person easier, and more reliable. Originally Posted by black sunshine
Ok now I get it, instead of getting NSNC by just one lady at a time you get NSNC by two at the same time with the manager, so that's worse then just getting NSNC?

ck1942's Avatar
There are more than a few very legitimate "groups" out there and some one has to undertake the management lead. Usually a retired or semi-retired mature provider. But not always.

Properly run, the entire TCB process is transparent with the leader/manager making sure that appointments are screened, referred and completed successfully. And gathering feedback, providing vouches and often arranging incalls such as hotel or apartment facilities.

Indeed, many group managers sincerely try to educate their associates so they will be prepared to move into full "independent" provider status and business.

Legitimate agencies are a necessity for those legitimate providers whi want to provide but who may not equipped or willing to do her own TCB. Agency and quite often group ladies supply their own incalls. But more often an agency will supply the incall(s).

One of the greater benefits of a proerly run group/agency is the capacity to staff up for business flow, so that when ck1942 seeks to engage someone say at 2 pm and she is already booked or otherwise not avaiable the booker can offer another lady. Indeed, only an agency will have another lady to offer.

Used to be, many moons ago, if ck1942 could reach a lady and she broke the news that she could not accommodate, she would refer me to a gal pal or two who she knew could make things happen.

imo there is plenty of room in the hobbying universe for all sorts of arrangements...even pimps who are thoughtful enough to treat the ladies properly.
Yah a lady pimp is called a madam. Its a thing just like male pimps. "Managers" some ladies like them and some dont.
Bob McV's Avatar
The issue I have with a manager is there is an incentive to encourage the woman to overwork herself. After all, they are making a % of the total without ever having to touch a cock.

Even if it is a flat rate situation then she is having to see a few extra people before she actually gets to take home money.

I guess it is sensible if the woman loves the work, hates dealing with scheduling to the point she is losing more money than a manager would cost. I am guessing that is rare.
ck1942's Avatar
The issue I have with a manager is there is an incentive to encourage the woman to overwork herself. After all, they are making a % of the total without ever having to touch a cock.

Even if it is a flat rate situation then she is having to see a few extra people before she actually gets to take home money.

I guess it is sensible if the woman loves the work, hates dealing with scheduling to the point she is losing more money than a manager would cost. I am guessing that is rare. Originally Posted by Bob McV

I beg to differ.

In most group situations that I am very familiar with, the workers commit to being available on certain days and certain hours -- not quite a "studio" situation, but close enough except for the "drop in whenever" option. And the working ladies get $$ right up front on every appointment.

In the above group situations, each worker is able to stipulate her own options, how many a day, what days, etc. And, usually, where and when, either her own in call or a common incall.

In the "her own incall" basis, the worker is the one controlling the working conditions, and the manager/madam/coordinator commits to doing the screening and gets a commission based on body count. Yes, the manager obviously would get more $ if the body count rises, but the manager is committing nothing more than her time.

In situations where the manager also supplies the incall, obviously "turnover" needs to be often enough that the manager makes a profit.

None of the above is ever perfect, but, the essence is that in both, the manager is doing virtually all of the TCB and she deserves to make money for that effort.

imo, the ladies are always in control, and the manager is a screener and an educator in addition to her somewhat supervisory role.

Most providers at a certain level totally avoid any management, be it male or female.

Issue for newby providers or wannabe providers is that if they haven't learned the TCB process very well, their reviews and their revenues will usually reflect that.

Which is where the "educator" role enters the picture and hopefully helps the newby learn not only how to operate BCD but also in TCB.

= = = = =

QUESTION: how many gents often wish, dream or otherwise posit that the hobby life would be a lot more smooth if more ladies had decent TCB, never mind great BCD.


a) "Providing 101" classes

b) "TCB 101" classes

c) active (but user friendly) management services
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
Thanks ck for your wisdom. I think most put down managers and call them pimps. I feel that managers could be a good thing if the result is that the provider is more reliable.

Would one be more accepting of a female manager then a male, probably. It does make sense that some girls would choos a manager as it allows them to concentrate on the BCD and not have to worry about the TCB part leaving them with more time for school and other RW commitments.

I would have no issue with seeing a managed girl if it resulted in more reliable appointments.

dodger's Avatar
I would prefer to deal with an independent provider. part of the reason is because i put a lot of emphasis on communication and connection during my selection process. it doesn't mean that having a manager makes it impossible ... just a bit murky. who is it that i'm really communicating with? if i have to ask that question ... i'm not likely to book.

i was in chat one day .. and had a private chat going with a young lady who was hitting all the right notes ... and i was ready to pull the trigger. later than day i saw the same 'lady' .. handle .. in chat. i opened a private chat and picked up where we had left off. whoever was logged on, using the handle, had no clue what i was talking about. took the shine of my woody.

but i have seen some ladies come into the hobby who clearly would benefit from some mentoring. in the end ... if the lady can't help me 'build' the erotic romantic fantasy that is my hobby session ... probably not the right booking for me.

but then ... i'm a fussy old man. i'll say again .. honesty has a limited role in my hobby dates.
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
Two party communication can have its downside. I once booked a well known Greek provider for my first Greek PSE. I had made a spicific request for Greek. When the lady showed up and it was time to travel she said " I did not prep for that, sorry babe". At the time I did not know she had a handler booking her dates. I was new and naive, now I know better. I think seasoned hobbyist can deal with managers, newbies may have more trouble. D, I agree if one wants a passionate GFE they are best with a independent lady, but for the younger PSE a manager is fine for me.
ck1942's Avatar
I have said this before and will reiterate:

Probably at least a third or more of the ladies hereabouts are managed or handled to some degree.

Not always easy to figure out which ones if you're a newby...but those of us here more than a while generally have a clue or two or three.