Provider Website Special

I'm closing out the books on 2010 and need $5000 more to reach my quarter target. So I'm offering an amazing special for the next two days.

If you want a new look this year here is a perfect time to get things going.

With a:

Mobile friendly version
Interactive HIGH resolution gallery
Members area
online booking and payments
Content management system where YOU can update your site daily (even from your cell phone)

The skys the limit, so break the cookie cutter look and give the guys something to smile about.
I went ahead and put a new sample page up just for you on my site. It will give you a few flash samples and then the CMS mobile samples. Go ahead and browse through them and make some notes on the ones you like and want to move forward with.

Give me a call with your questions.


Jason Brooks
Owner - Amarillo Graphics
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 01-02-2011, 06:48 PM
So you are getting the sites from Template Monster and editing them for each lady's needs?
No actually our firm designs sites for Pixeldust and Template monster so we own the rights to those designs since we have designed them. If one of those samples are used for design they are removed from the listings on that site.

We have plenty more, if you are interested or can create custom designs tailored to each providers branding/look/ and feel.
March specials include Monthly Payment Options!