For every girl that has truly been abused, I have met 4 others that pretend to be abused to get attention, or to justify their excessively ridiculous behavior, or to explain why they haven't done anything with their lives, or any combination of the above. The ones I have met that have been abused are not that willing to talk about it. The ones using it as a crutch typically wear it on their sleeve, or it's so close to the surface that it makes the bodies buried in my backyard jealous.
we all got shit we went through our lives but how many of us blab about it on a hooker board
and how many of us could walk away from it but didnt?
not me,
I love it when some bum tells me how smart and articulate he is, yet he lives in the gutter.. EQ vs IQ or you really have a shit for brains?
I come here to occasionally fuck, mostly get blown and laugh at the ridiculousness I see around here.
Why is there an increase in the number of Gold carts at Sams/walmart/grocery stores?
If store does not provide golf carts are they violating the ADA?