Dr. Ben Carson........telling it like it is

Does anybody have a problem with this statement.......

"I would support someone being President as long as they are willing to uphold American Values and The Constitution, and did not allow their Religious Views get in the way of that".

It seems the major news outlets and the left are all in a tizzy about him saying he would not support a Muslim Candidate, but failed to report, as Paul Harvey would say, The Rest Of The Story.

I guess those that find fault with Dr Carson's statements feel that yes, if a Muslim was elected, he could use his Executive Power to institute shiria Law and other Tenants of the Muslim Faith, such as executing gays, allowing men to rape women at will, stoning women who happen to dress inappropriatly, stoning infidels, etc.
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  • WTF
  • 09-22-2015, 12:20 PM
Does anybody have a problem with this statement.......

"I would support someone being President as long as they are willing to uphold American Values and The Constitution, and did not allow their Religious Views get in the way of that".

It seems the major news outlets and the left are all in a tizzy about him saying he would not support a Muslim Candidate, but failed to report, as Paul Harvey would say, The Rest Of The Story.
http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2015...d-by-comments/ Originally Posted by Jackie S
What was Dr. Carson's view on Kim Davis?


He seems very selective on religious freedom.
JackJohnson's Avatar
You're talking about the spin... in the video he says... which got him in trouble...on Meet the Press on Sunday. I watched the whole interview, and he was inconsistent with his answers, but here is the relevant part.


Question: So do you think Islam is consistent with the Constitution.

Answer: No, no I don't, I do not. I would not advocate that we put a Muslim in charge of this nation. I absolutely would not agree with that.

Question: And..would, would you ever consider voting for a Muslim for Congress?

Answer: Congress is a different story, it would depend on who that Muslim is, and what their policies are, like it depends on anyone else's, of any faith


This is not the spin he put on it post interview AFTER all the controversy. In context, he clearly says Islam is not compatible with the Constitution, so much so that he can't vote for a Muslim for President. He also differentiates Congress, where he could support someone, from the Presidency, which he says he could not. There are no qualifiers to that statement, he just flat out says NO to a President, YES - maybe to a Congress member.

Anyway, a reminder...Article VI paragraph 3 - US Constitution
The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.

Anyway, you can say he misspoke and then clarified what he meant, but don't blame the media in terms of what he said, he said it... and they reported it. Punditry always gives things a spin, but so does Carson.

He'd say you all were on an escort board and should go to hell anyway
He is wrong in the Kim Davis matter. She took an oath to uphold the laws and Constitution. If she can't do that, she should resign her post. It's really that simple.

If a Muslim were to be elected President, he is boud by his Oath of Office above all other considerations to support and defend The Constitution of the United States.
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  • 09-22-2015, 12:40 PM

He'd say you all were on an escort board and should go to hell anyway Originally Posted by JackJohnson
We are not consistent with the Constitution, therefore we should not be able to vote according to Den Carson's logic!
gfejunkie's Avatar
"Carson’s campaign reported strong fundraising and more than 100,000 new Facebook friends in the 24 hours after he told NBC’s “Meet the Press” on Sunday: “I would not advocate that we put a Muslim in charge of this nation.”

His campaign manager Barry Bennett told The Associated Press on Monday: “While the left wing is huffing and puffing over it, Republican primary voters are with us at least 80-20.”

“People in Iowa particularly, are like, ‘Yeah! We’re not going to vote for a Muslim either,’” Bennett said. “I don’t mind the hubbub. It’s not hurting us, that’s for sure.”


Pisses the MSM off something awful. They've lost control!
gfejunkie's Avatar
Den Carson Originally Posted by WTF
You should leave Den out of this. He's not running.
He'd say WE all were on an escort board and should go to hell anyway Originally Posted by JackJohnson
Fixed that.

I think he is correct on those in Congress or other elected offices. The Presidency is the ONLY office in the land ehere the power of that Branc is vested in one single person. In short, The President IS the Executive Branch. Everybody else just works for him.

The Presidency has also evolved, with tremendous powers vested in the Presidents ability to issue Executive Orders. These Executive Orders carry the full weight of The Law.
We went through this when John Kennedy ran. Some would not vote for a catholic, as the country would be run from the Vatican.
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  • WTF
  • 09-22-2015, 01:15 PM
"Carson’s campaign reported strong fundraising and more than 100,000 new Facebook friends in the 24 hours after he told NBC’s “Meet the Press” on Sunday: “I would not advocate that we put a Muslim in charge of this nation.”

His campaign manager Barry Bennett told The Associated Press on Monday: “While the left wing is huffing and puffing over it, Republican primary voters are with us at least 80-20.”

“People in Iowa particularly, are like, ‘Yeah! We’re not going to vote for a Muslim either,’” Bennett said. “I don’t mind the hubbub. It’s not hurting us, that’s for sure.”


Pisses the MSM off something awful. They've lost control! Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Yes....he is playing to the base of the GOP. It will not translate to the General but Carson ain't making it that far so none of it really matters.

Gonna be JeB and Clinton at the end of the day. Watch and see.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
We haven't had a President who upheld American Values and the Constitution since possibly Calvin Coolidge.
Does anybody have a problem with this statement.......

"I would support someone being President as long as they are willing to uphold American Values and The Constitution, and did not allow their Religious Views get in the way of that".

It seems the major news outlets and the left are all in a tizzy about him saying he would not support a Muslim Candidate, but failed to report, as Paul Harvey would say, The Rest Of The Story.

I guess those that find fault with Dr Carson's statements feel that yes, if a Muslim was elected, he could use his Executive Power to institute shiria Law and other Tenants of the Muslim Faith, such as executing gays, allowing men to rape women at will, stoning women who happen to dress inappropriatly, stoning infidels, etc. Originally Posted by Jackie S
How is this any different from he or Huckabee or Cruz instituting some form of christian version of law on the country? The bible has stories of armies that killed all the inhabitants but the young girls and they were the spoils of victory. Over time, we have come to view that as repugnant. The muslim faith no more allows rape at will than the bible does. The bible has roughly the same commands and only the most fundamental still follow them.
He is wrong in the Kim Davis matter. She took an oath to uphold the laws and Constitution. If she can't do that, she should resign her post. It's really that simple.

If a Muslim were to be elected President, he is boud by his Oath of Office above all other considerations to support and defend The Constitution of the United States. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Why do you believe a christian like Huckabee could be bound by this oath, but somehow a muslim wouldn't?
We haven't had a President who upheld American Values and the Constitution since possibly Calvin Coolidge. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Did you vote for him?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Did you vote for him? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
LOL! No, but I did go to a high school named after him. That was funny, LittleEva!