Idk how to title this...

I hesitate to post this, but any of you who have known me for longer than 60 minutes, knows I'm a real and genuinely caring person. I'm directing this post at one friend/client in particular whom I haven't been able to contact in almost two weeks. I wasn't able to drive to Shreveport to accommodate an appointment, so, as I've done many times before, I helped him find alternate entertainment. Several times in the past when a client uncharacteristically goes MIA, I've sadly found their name in the obituaries. So, if the friend I'm speaking of is reading this, just let me know you're ok..!!
Here is to hoping he ran out of minutes on his hobby phone.
Thanks, but he uses his real one. I know when to text and not to text and what to say that's not incriminating to strike up a conversation. If he's retired, I'm cool with that, I'm not even trying to arrange an appointment.. I'm just concerned for his well-being. I'm weird like that. Lol
Hell, I hope he's OK too. Never thought of that situation
~Ynot~'s Avatar
Now there is a lady with some class.
Way to go Viv. The newbies outa take notice on how it should be done.
Hats off to ya dear.
V K has always been first class. She is not only an excellent provider but a very nice lady also.
Hope all is well for him VK.
Thanks, y'all.
Hope your friend is ok.
MuffinMan's Avatar
V K has always been first class. She is not only an excellent provider but a very nice lady also.
Hope all is well for him VK.
Harley Originally Posted by Harley Diablo
Harley...I could not agree with you more about Viv!
the pragmatist's Avatar
I hope that all is well! Any word, yet?
Not yet.
Man, I only wish if I went silent somebody on here would miss me. I got V Ked one time in Bossier and it was one of my favorite memories. Exceptionally sweet lady. Ty for caring about us ole ogers Viv! Hope it works out for him and he resurfaces safe and sound.