I have had this happen a couple times even though that I specify that I only cater to men with impeccable hygiene. It is also on my website that if you need to shower feel free to take one when you arrive and I might even join you
I had this one guy that I tried to work with because he was slightly disabled, I reminded him that he needed to shower right before he left to come see me and if he couldn't not to come. Well he came, hair fixed nice, clothes looking good, undressed him and laid him down to start a nice back rub for him and Damn!! Swamp ass again. At this point I was about to tell him that I could no longer deal with the smell, that I was terminating our business relationship but I did not know how because I do not want to hurt anyone's feelings. Ladies, this was just a body rub client. I didn't have to get close to his junk, the smell was overwhelming while laying on his stomach! He left that day, I thought on how I was going to handle this and had a few days off work so I posted the following week and found myself in a bad situation. I had ended up getting a room in a nice place that was filled with a lot of low end/BP girls and was watching the cops set up outside the hotel. I will not leave my vehicles outside of any hotel that I stay at to have my fun and was getting very nervous. (They run tag numbers on vehicles in that particular area at hotels) I was trying to figure out how to get the hell out of there without being noticed without a vehicle and could not get mine delivered back for a few hours but defiantly did not want it to be seen either. My phone rang, it was Swamp Ass. Thank God I had not burned that bridge yet because I told him what was going on, he asked where I was at and was there in no time. I had checked in for 3 days and left before 11am the second day. He took me to another hotel across town and checked me into a nice suite there for 3 days and left full donation.
That was the day that I was able to address the situation with ease. I told him I figured out why he always had a smelly ass, lack of AC and a 2 hour drive. Well we became friends after that day, hung out a good bit and the figured out the true problem. He lived on the lake and his idea of a bath was taking a dip in the lake. My instincts was right, a true case of Swamp Ass!! Since then our friendship has ended because I am a very clean person and will not be around anyone that thinks a lake bath is acceptable for any situation. I bath after every person I see. It's only right.