Providers, what influences your prices?

Raikage's Avatar
Is it your looks? you're skills / service? is it something else? what other similar girls charge in other states? (cost of living is different in other areas)

I am curious about the thought process around it as I've been seeing trends of prices inching higher about every 6 months. What has changed in the scene to cause that?

I just think it's kind of funny that some girls charge more than most doctors, but that's their choice.
TemptationTammie's Avatar
I have been told that because of my skills and service that I should be charging more than I do. But I like to keep my rates reasonable.
I do have different rates in Killeen vs Austin because Killeen is mostly military and I used to offer a discount to military.
I have not been on BP in over a year but I kept the same rates both here and on there when I was. Although my last 6 months on there all I offered was body rubs, not full service. That was when I realized that BP was where most of the flakes came from.
I have higher rates on my website and other sites because of the flakes.
Supply and demand. A seller will charge the maximum of whatever he/she believes a buyer will pay.

No different than any other business. If you own a successful business than you are no different.

It's the buyer who controls the market so it is the buyer ultimately responsible for the prices.

Hagglers who are a small minority of total consumers are 100% expendable. Welcome to capitalism 101.
FirePhoenix's Avatar
While im glad this subject is being bought up in both resent post you're asking the same question in a badly put way. The way it's being asked is like beating a dead horse. I was going to bring up but at a later date. On the price vs menu is subject to the provider and hobbyist needs and wants. At some point in time I will post a thread on this but not when is a broken record.
Raikage's Avatar
Supply and demand. A seller will charge the maximum of whatever he/she believes a buyer will pay.

No different than any other business. If you own a successful business than you are no different.

It's the buyer who controls the market so it is the buyer ultimately responsible for the prices.

Hagglers who are a small minority of total consumers are 100% expendable. Welcome to capitalism 101. Originally Posted by Windinhishair
I think hagglers make the buying process worse for everyone, I know someone who would try to haggle at Goodwill. Beside that, Supply and demand is a good point.

But if we are going off supply and demand, then any body type that advertises is not in truly high demand. There are millions of every body type for both genders.

And there's only so many things a human body can do, and most providers already do it all, so there isn't much supply and demand there so...

I guess my real question is what is the cause of the steady price increase? Has it become more expensive to live here locally?

Flakes are a good reason, and I can empathize with that.

And you strike a good point, it is the buyer who ultimately controls the climate of prices but we are also dealing with a service that is almost more addictive than drugs. A service that customers would, sacrifice family, job, even government positions for. It is very easy to exploit the customer.

I guess I answered my own question, if the buyer wants it bad enough, they will pay any price for it. Especially if the sellers work to inch up fees up over the long term.
Deznuttz's Avatar
The hotter the chick the higher the cost.
I imagine that every so often they will attempt to raise the price. If they still get customers they keep the increase. If they lose customers they lower it back down.

Also, why do guys constantly tell providers they should charge more?

Just like the rest of us. Get paid the most for the least amount of effort.
Mike Vronsky's Avatar
There are plenty of attractive women at OPEC rates.
fun2come's Avatar
I always tell them "Charge others more so you can charge me less" ... but they only hear the first part ....
1) Doctors don't inherently risk criminalization just for doing their job

2) There are established channels for doctors to mitigate the risks of doing their job (insurance, access to lines of credit, etc.)

3) There are established channels of support for doctors (professional associations, etc.)

4) Doctors don't inherently risk being assaulted/murdered for doing their job.

Etcetera, etcetera...

Anyhoo, perceptions of desirability/attractiveness are a minor consideration for me. When thinking about my rates, I'm more so concerned with local cost of living, up front monetary expenses, and the time I spend doing administrative work.
To the OP, you're just going to stress yourself out contemplating your inquiry. Just pay what you can, when you can, and enjoy what the hobby has to offer.
sue_nami's Avatar
Not to state the obvious but the cost of living in this town is thru the roof in the 3 years I have been doing this. There has been no price increase here, but just know that I am paying one third more for the same incall in that same time. it costs more to live here now. a lot more.
My rates have been the same basically since i started.... that being said i offer specials all the time to accomodate those on a tighter budget. I almost never deny a reasonable offer.

One thing to consider however... Some girls have to pay to use the incall they use... so they dont actually take home every penny they make. Some girls also have to pay for a baby sitter to come meet you, so again dont take home every penny they make. The later is the case for me. I pay per hour for my baby sitter... so 30-40$ per hour so if we are meeting for an hour then i basically have to get a sitter for 90mins-2hrs.
Deznuttz's Avatar
30 to 40 an hour for babysitters. You are way over paying. Hell, if that's the case I'm gonna quit my job and open a daycare.
Jk, I can barely stand to watch my own. No way I would watch someone else's.

Lack of patience.
Deznuttz's Avatar
Not to state the obvious but the cost of living in this town is thru the roof in the 3 years I have been doing this. There has been no price increase here, but just know that I am paying one third more for the same incall in that same time. it costs more to live here now. a lot more. Originally Posted by sue_nami

Welcome to the real world. Cost of living increases faster than pay. Either cutback in some areas or retool and find a different career.
sue_nami's Avatar
hehehe retooling here. come here denutz I have an ass midget with your name on it