sexy mascots

Go TCU Horny Toads!!!

Hey, come on, how can you not root for a team with a mascot like that?

Another cool mascot, the USC Trojans...

Here's a naughty college football joke for you:
Why aren't men from U. of Wisconsin allowed to date women from U. of Minnesota? Have you ever seen what a badger can do to a gopher hole?

What other sexy mascots can you think of?
cptjohnstone's Avatar
as i said yesterday, nice mascots if you are gay
DallasRain's Avatar
cool post!!

Scrotie (Rhode Island School)

Without a doubt, one of the strangest college sports mascots has to be Scrotie, the unofficial mascot of the Rhode Island School of Design. The costume is unique and at the same time horrific, looking exactly like a giant penis wearing a red cape with the scrotum hanging beneath.

The school's basketball team is known as the Balls, and their slogan is, "When the heat is on, the Balls stick together." The hockey team is called the Nads, and their cheer is "Go Nads!" Scrotie was created to cheer on the Nads in 2001. Despite his status as an unofficial mascot, he's present at all the games and widely accepted by the student body

You have got to be kidding!

I wouldn't have believed it had I not seen it.