What happened to Kristine Adorable? Banned?

Just saw her profile is banned --- was thinking about visiting her today too.
What's the story
Loki Pk's Avatar
What's the story Originally Posted by nickdanger1955
I'm guessing her relationship with treebark finally sunk her. You do realize he has been posting for her right?

I'm guessing her relationship with treebark finally sunk her. You do realize he has been posting for her right?

PK Originally Posted by Loki Pk
Yeah I am waiting to be chastised about being an incarnation of tb but I am not. And yes though I have never met Kristine we have tried and started communicating last week. Some dude was messing with her and she outed him too much in the cryptic powder room and got in trouble. She admittedly screwed up to paraphrase what she said to me. She is still around, seems like a nice woman and that is that!!!
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Yeah I am waiting to be chastised about being an incarnation of tb but I am not. And yes though I have never met Kristine we have tried and started communicating last week. Some dude was messing with her and she outed him too much in the cryptic powder room and got in trouble. She admittedly screwed up to paraphrase what she said to me. She is still around, seems like a nice woman and that is that!!! Originally Posted by Mtnliving
lady's, some anyways, fighting for the right to out guys in the lady rooms
Outing now is one year. Look at Houston how to get it down to a month for her.

Loki Pk's Avatar
Yeah I am waiting to be chastised about being an incarnation of tb but I am not. And yes though I have never met Kristine we have tried and started communicating last week. Some dude was messing with her and she outed him too much in the cryptic powder room and got in trouble. She admittedly screwed up to paraphrase what she said to me. She is still around, seems like a nice woman and that is that!!! Originally Posted by Mtnliving
First, you want us to go easy on a potty mouth hooker who outed another fucktard? Seriously? That's some dumbass shit right there....

Secondly, for someone who 'isn't treebark' you sure do seem to involve yourself in his drama quite often! Just started communicating last week yet you know all about why she was banned in less then 24 hrs? Oh, well... That makes perfect sense

Hobby1750's Avatar
Oh no, here it goes again...

Let's not jump to conclusions. THAT dude is a major psycho stalker (three girls have independently told me horror stories). So let's not accuse everyone of being him.
Oh no, here it goes again...

Let's not jump to conclusions. THAT dude is a major psycho stalker (three girls have independently told me horror stories). So let's not accuse everyone of being him. Originally Posted by Hobby1750
I guess your talking about tb - I involve myself in what I wish and yes I have sided him on a couple issues but that is that - ka asked me to post a supportive thread for her and I did and of course I get pussy whipped by the eccie illuminati
All I know is I set something up for yesterday and went to one of her places in latham at the time and she was a no show. Its the 2nd time that this happened. I called her one last time before I left she answered and seemed confused by me saying I am here. So maybe the TB was setting up bogus appointments for her <shrug> . She is great when on her game but seems to always have drama.
Long time lurker on this site but not on others.
This sight never ceases to amaze me. The policing of posts is actually quite humorous. for hose of you stuck on fp/tb/who cares what his name was, does the word obsessed mean anything? I mean, come on. I wish we could do a search here and see how many times you comment thoses old handles. I bet he gets a kick out of seeing you missing him so much,

Will the real Slim Shady please stand up, please stand up?!
I too had 3 dates set up with her in the last 3 weeks. All no shows no no calls.
Three strikes no balls.

All I know is I set something up for yesterday and went to one of her places in latham at the time and she was a no show. Its the 2nd time that this happened. I called her one last time before I left she answered and seemed confused by me saying I am here. So maybe the TB was setting up bogus appointments for her <shrug> . She is great when on her game but seems to always have drama. Originally Posted by Nate2422
Loki Pk's Avatar
I guess your talking about tb - I involve myself in what I wish and yes I have sided him on a couple issues but that is that - ka asked me to post a supportive thread for her and I did and of course I get pussy whipped by the eccie illuminati Originally Posted by Mtnliving
Long time lurker on this site but not on others.
This sight never ceases to amaze me. The policing of posts is actually quite humorous. for hose of you stuck on fp/tb/who cares what his name was, does the word obsessed mean anything? I mean, come on. I wish we could do a search here and see how many times you comment thoses old handles. I bet he gets a kick out of seeing you missing him so much,

Will the real Slim Shady please stand up, please stand up?! Originally Posted by Marshall Mathers
I too had 3 dates set up with her in the last 3 weeks. All no shows no no calls.
Three strikes no balls. Originally Posted by Marshall Mathers

All you dumbass motherfuckers and shill assholes need to buy a clue!
That dude has been stirring shit for years and y'all just eat it up. The guy has at least 4 other handles and you don't blame him for the discord and distrust...you chastise us for bringing it to light!??!

You get stood up multiple times by a girl he has been pimping, and We are the bad guys?!?!
She OUTS a fucking member and y'all still want to call her and meet? Go right the fuck ahead... stupid is as stupid does!

M&M arrives right on time with a brand new handle and then will wonder why we will accuse you of being him....especially after having just joined, never posted a single review or post until the Frank/Treebark drama demands you immediately participate.

Mtnliving gets the same shill moniker... yet is unhappy with us for doing so, even though the dynamic was set by Franko-dipshit years ago when he set up multiple handles years in advance.

While he was stirring the post as Frank, he was quietly building treebark in Pittsburgh MP forums, where he knew nobody would ask questions. Then when the time was right, BOOM 2yr old handle with 10 reviews shows up and jumps right in after Frank handle is BANNED.
Gets Treebark BANNED for shilling posts FOR Kristen Adorable.and on and on it goes. Now She is BANNED as well...good thing he has been 'helping' her...way to go.

Whether or not you guys are actually more frank/tree shills, your participation in this manner marks you as just another couple of Ghosts for him. But it's our fault for calling out lying, cheating, shill scumbags when we see them. Obsessed? Not at all. Determined to keep the reviews and membership honest and real? ABSO_FUCKING-LUTEY!!!
Please tell us more about how WE are the ones fucking shit up
So go and get your shinebox Pinocchio and sing us a tune

Hobby1750's Avatar
KA is a notorious flake! My advice: CALL to set up the appointment. Forget emailing. Texting can be anyone typing.

I can easily surmise KA never was the one handling her account on here. Hence, the banning.
Hobby1750's Avatar
Loki, I'm sure girls in the powder-room are aware of HIM STAFF EDIT Let the girls deal with it. We should not worry about it. There are MANY guys mongering, so I don't think new members are all him.

Also, I'm sure there is more than one asshole out there. Like in the movie Lake Placid, two crocodiles? Two TreeBarks??

I mean, you're taking this to a really extreme level. Someone might accuse YOU of being him, pulling some type of The Usual Suspects deception shit. (I know you're not him, but you get the point.)
Loki Pk's Avatar
The point I make, over and over, is simply this ;
"If somebody shills with multiple handles it undermines the dynamic of the forum. We have to trust the reports and each other to a certain degree. Or at the very least read enough reports and posts to form our own opinions and make better choices. When somebody posts under different handles it breaks the chain of trust and fucks it all up in a way that may put somebody in a bad position, or at worst, a dangerous one."

YOUR particular dynamic is different than his, as you weren't changing handles to deceive....you just closed previous handles to escape some bat shit crazy broad (right?) . AND you closed or disabled those handles properly (for the most part) before returning under the radar.

When you look at the posts of our 'members under scrutiny'....Look at the TIMING of posts...The Content and Context...The SUBJECT...and the ATTITUDE. All you have to do is apply the idea of 'Occam's Razor" and it seems obvious.