I guess I am not familiar with the more nefarious side of what "bat shit crazy" bitches can do...?.... I'm just trying to get a more clear picture, so that *I* myself can best proceed; keeping an equal keel on my own sense of safety/screening- yet keeping a sense of my clients privacy in mind also.
WTF, I am well aware we have bumped heads in disagreement; But I'm trying to find some even ground here.
Forgive me trying to better myself & my understanding.
I understand P411, I accept okay's.
That works for me.
But for the noobs with no vouches... I am assuming they have to enroll with P411, so their info is somewhere (should the most unlikely scenario of violence, police reports, investigation, etc etc happen.) And that is acceptable, as I don't WANT to have a "little black book" that can fall into the wrong hands.
But for those who do NOT have P411, the noobs? What then?
If I am unwilling to see a client without any screening information, and he has no vouches on any system.... I find that an impasse.
I'm trying to figure out of it is an insurmountable obstacle or not.