Oct. 14th happy hour - initial report

ck1942's Avatar
Well, we started early and already 6 folks here including two ladies brand new to our community.

Per the usual rules, only those here may disclose their own presence.

Lots of halloween discussion so far. Yes, that info will be mailed out later this week.

5:15 p.m. - 17 on board.
Missing yet another one. Urgh! With you in spirit!
bigjimt52's Avatar
wonderful time...found a newbie....seeing her tomorrow....
Big One's Avatar
Wish I could be there but unfortunately out of town. Hope everyone has a great time.
Was my first time at a m&g. Well done. Met some nice ladies.
sms918's Avatar
Out of town. Sorry to miss.
levi tab's Avatar
Ha made it before it ended lol
LovethaCougar's Avatar
Had a great time at the social, thanks CK!
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 10-14-2015, 11:09 PM
Another thread of the same topic merged with this one.

I had a wonderful time as always.

Enjoyed the wonderful company!
I always enjoy the socials I was only there for a short time but always enjoy seeing every1
Bbbj Receiver's Avatar
Was fun as always CK.. Thanks for what you do again.
Sorry u missed it. ...i always have a good time at the socials!!
ck1942's Avatar
As always, it's the crowd that makes the mix work.

I just compile names, etc. But I have fun, too.

See y'all in the coming weeks/months, etc.
Always have fun. Cant wait until the halloweenie(;