Need advice?

So I made an appointment with a provider (katiefoxx850) we done the whole, are you available, yes blah blah blah. She sent me to her In call location. I get to her room knock on the door she comes to the door and says "read your phone I text your phone" so some time from when I left my vehicle and walked to her door she sent me this text and it said " don't come now someone just showed up unexpectedly. Trying to get rid of him now." So of course I just leave. I just thought I was kind of shitty to turn me away when I made the appointment and this other person didn't. What's y'all opinion? And it's a provider I was seeing on a regular basis.
If you have seen her before and she values your business. Let her make it up to you. If she don't then if that happened to me I would move on. Too many great providers out there.
Jjsunday's Avatar
I think I would talk to her and tell her how you felt she seem like she a sweet girl I have talk to her before but haven't had a chance to see her yet. I do know who you feel I was going to see Lana-o a few mouths ago I had a appointment with her and a hour before she called me and told me the appointment time wasn't going to work she was up front with me and told me someone she sees a lot called at the last min and ask if he could see her in my time slot and it was the only time he had he was flying out of town that night. It pissed me off 1st but I agreed to see her the next morning I chewed on it all day and the more I thought about it the mader I got then it hit me I got some reg I see that well do that well move around appointments for me so I thought what the hell I can stay mad and not see her or just go see her the next day . well I just went and saw her I told her it upset me but I understond she made it up with me by one Hell of a time with her and she told me the next time she see me the room will be bruning for all the heat in the room lol well I gless what I am saying talk to her and like rabbit said if she don't make it up then just move on there are a lot of good one out there lol one monkey don't stop the show lol if you need to know any good one PM me I let you know the ones I love lol life to short to be stress and if you are stressed about this .....Go get Laid and work out some of the stress lol
thanks for the advice guys. But just going to move on like you guys said there's to many good providers out there. Jjsunday I'm going to PM you.